Valorant Weapon Tier List: Best Guns for PC & Consoles

Riot Games’ Valorant competes against popular games such as Overwatch and CS2, boasting a defined weapon meta. To help players gain an advantage on both PCs and consoles, we have created a tier list ranking all 18 weapons in Valorant. This table can be used as a guide for selecting guns in your next match.

With the addition of Outlaw, the total number of guns in Valorant has increased to 18. Each gun offers a unique advantage, from the rapid-fire Spectre to the powerful yet slow shots of the Operator. No matter your skill level or the situation, there is a suitable weapon for every player in Valorant.

Nonetheless, in order to surpass the competition and attain crucial victories, it is essential to invest your earned Creds wisely in top-of-the-line weapons. Yet, selecting the most suitable gun can be challenging, as certain ones far outshine the rest.

Thankfully, we have created a useful tier list that evaluates all of the weapons currently available by their damage output and ease of use. This list can also serve as a guide for those participating in the console beta, aiding in their purchasing decisions.

Top Guns in Valorant

In Valorant patch 8.11, we have evaluated and arranged the 18 currently available guns according to their potential impact in the current meta.

Tier Guns
S Vandal, Phantom, Operator
A Sheriff, Spectre, Ghost, Outlaw
B Guardian, Marshal, Judge, Frenzy
C Ares, Bulldog, Classic, Bucky
D Stinger, Shorty, Odin

S-tier Weapons in Valorant


Despite the ongoing debate between the Vandal and Phantom in Valorant’s closed beta, we firmly believe that the Vandal reigns supreme with its unparalleled kill potential. Its ability to instantly eliminate opponents with a single headshot, without any decrease in effectiveness over distance, solidifies its superiority.

The Vandal’s effectiveness is unparalleled in both short and long-distance combat, solidifying its position as one of the most versatile guns in the current meta. If you are skilled at precision aiming and can master the recoil pattern, the Vandal should be your preferred choice for all buy rounds. With these qualities, the Vandal ranks as the top contender in our Valorant gun tier list.


Despite not having the same level of damage as the Vandal, the Phantom’s exceptional accuracy and rapid fire rate can still easily take down even the toughest of enemies. With its silencer and 30-round magazine, the Phantom is an extremely precise weapon, making it perfect for close to mid-range combat situations.

Despite this, the choice between the Phantom and Vandal often boils down to personal preference as both are excellent weapons. The Phantom does have a faster time-to-kill thanks to its higher fire rate, making it a great option for quickly taking out enemies in a tight situation with its silenced rifle.


The Operator’s placement in the S-tier of the Valorant gun tier list comes as no surprise. With the ability to deal the highest single-shot damage in the game, this sniper gives skilled sharpshooters the opportunity to take down their opponents with just one well-placed bullet.

In Valorant, strategic defensive formations rely heavily on a few skilled Operators who hold crucial angles. Without proper use of utilities, it is nearly impossible to push through their defenses. The significant cost of 4,700 Creds is well justified, placing the gun in its rightful tier.

A-tier Guns in Valorant


The Sheriff may come with a hefty price tag, but its power is worth the cost. Purchasing the 800 Creds pistol may drain your funds during pistol rounds, but its capabilities make it a worthy investment. While some players may be deterred by the initial cost, a single shot from the Sheriff can secure a rifle for them.

The Sheriff’s ability to deliver a one-shot kill at distances of 0-30 meters makes it a valuable choice for eco rounds, increasing the chances of securing a Thrifty victory. If you are able to handle its high recoil and possess the accuracy to land precise headshots, consider equipping the Sheriff as your secondary weapon.

Spectre (2015 film)

The Spectre is considered the top SMG in Valorant and is also one of the most versatile weapons. If the Vandal and Phantom are too expensive, the Spectre offers a more affordable option for increased firepower.

To fully capitalize on the rapid firing capabilities of this lethal SMG, it is recommended to constantly search for opportunities to flank the enemy or hold strategic angles that take advantage of its high rate of fire. This weapon is extremely effective at close range, but when engaging enemies from a distance, it is best to use short bursts of fire in order to accurately hit your targets.


True to its name, the Ghost provides a subtle alternative for players seeking to quietly eliminate their enemies. While it may seem weaker compared to the Sheriff, the Ghost’s generous 15-round magazine and respectable fire rate of 6.75 rounds per second enable players to swiftly unleash shots in critical moments.

This reliable pistol provides exceptional precision and reliable damage in the early stages of the game. Therefore, it is wise to include this spectral Sidearm in your arsenal if you want to save your Creds for utility options.


The Outlaw is the most recent addition to the game since its initial launch. This powerful double-barrel sniper falls between the Marshal and Operator in terms of strength, making it a valuable and affordable option at 2,400 Creds.

Unlike the other two snipers, this one maintains its zoom when firing. It has a headshot damage count of 238 within a range of 50m, while its body and legshot damage counts are 140 and 119, respectively. Just imagine the potential lethality in the right hands during eco rounds.

B-tier Guns in Valorant


This semi-automatic rifle delivers significant damage, inflicting 65 body shot damage and a staggering 195 headshot damage. Despite its power, it was often overlooked in the meta due to its higher cost and being overshadowed by more affordable weapons.

Despite recent updates, the Guardian remains at a B-tier level. If you have good aim, the Guardian can be a viable option, but you might want to consider using a Marshal instead. Both weapons excel at holding angles, but the Guardian offers the added benefit of a second chance at landing your shot.


The Marshal is a Sniper in Valorant that offers increased agility. It has a 3.5x scope and a five-round magazine, making it a suitable choice only for those who are confident in their ability to consistently hit headshots. Shots to the body or legs will not immediately eliminate an armored Agent, so precision is key.

The recent decrease in price to 950 Creds has made the gun a worthwhile purchase for force-ups and eco rounds. Additionally, the patch has increased the speed of scoping in, similar to the Sheriff. As with the Sheriff, one bullet to the head can result in an upgrade to a superior weapon.


For those looking to quickly reach the objective and plant the Spike, this fully-automatic shotgun is an excellent choice. Although it may not have the same damage as the Bucky, its rapid fire and wide spread make it perfect for continuously attacking targets without any breaks.

Despite taking a significant blow in Episode 3, the Judge’s 250 Creds increase to a total of 1,850 has made it a more costly choice. While the added long-range damage may be beneficial, it ultimately diminishes the gun’s overall effectiveness. It remains a viable option for aggressive play, but it’s important to keep track of your spending.


The Frenzy was the dominant weapon in the Valorant meta for approximately two weeks until Riot implemented a nerf. Although the changes were minimal, the increase in cost from 400 to 500 significantly reduced its effectiveness. Despite being buffed back to 450 Creds, the Frenzy is no longer as dominant as it used to be during pistol rounds.

The 10-round-per-second fire rate allows you to quickly take down an opponent before they have a chance to respond. However, it also requires careful ammo management as the clip only holds 13 rounds. Despite this, it is still an improvement over the Classic.

C-tier Guns in Valorant


The Ares is the younger brother of Odin, and it is certainly a valuable weapon on the battlefield. Its large magazine and respectable damage make it a worthwhile option for shooting through walls, especially when an Odin is not within budget (such as on B site of Ascent).

Despite its effectiveness, the Ares lacks flexibility. In any other case, investing 1,600 Creds in a Spectre would provide a more versatile and superior weapon option.


visual appearance of the bulldog gun in valorant

Despite having the lowest damage profile among Rifles, the Bulldog compensates for this with its overall user-friendliness. While the Bulldog’s upward recoil can be challenging to manage in full auto, those having difficulty hitting their shots can switch to the gun’s burst mode.

This reliable underdog is available for the low price of only 2,050 Creds. So, if you are short on funds or prefer to save your money for abilities, choosing Bulldog is definitely a wise choice.


Valorant’s once-dominant free sidearm, the Classic, was rivaled only by the Sheriff. However, it has since been gradually toned down to its rightful position. When wielded skillfully, the Classic remains a formidable weapon, particularly with its right-click function. Its powerful bursts can easily eliminate an opponent with a well-placed shot to the head.

With its current standing, it may not match up to the sheer strength of the Sheriff or the Ghost, but by consistently working with this small creature, you will soon be able to take down opponents with ease.


visual appearance of the bucky gun in valorant

For several months, the Bucky reigned as the top gun in Valorant. Priced at 850 Creds, it offered incredible damage at both close and long ranges, competing with the Phantom and Vandal. However, numerous nerfs greatly reduced its effectiveness and popularity.

The gun has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. The decrease in damage on the right click burst has significantly diminished its main advantage. Despite still being a decent shotgun, especially with its reduced price of 850 Creds, it is no longer a common choice for players on an economic round.

D-tier Guns in Valorant


visual appearance of the stinger gun in valorant

The Stinger, similar to the Frenzy, gained popularity in Valorant during the first few weeks of 2021. Praised for its impressive close-range firepower at a low cost of 1,000 Creds, this inexpensive SMG allowed players to quickly rush a site, unload a full magazine with its rapid-fire rate, and overpower their opponents.

Nevertheless, the Stinger has been greatly impacted by past nerfs. Its cost was raised to 1,100 Creds, its fire rate decreased to 16 rounds per second, and its recoil was heightened, making it more challenging to wield. However, with its price now lowered back to 950 Creds, there is a chance for it to regain its place in the meta during either Episode 4 or 5, serving as a formidable choice for a force buy.

Description of Shorty

visual appearance of the shorty gun in valorant

The Shorty, with its very limited range and two-round magazine, is most effective when used as an ambush-style weapon.

If you want to surprise your enemies, this weapon is perfect. It is most effective in tight, close-range combat situations, so it’s best to use it in areas with limited space. Keep in mind that it lacks versatility, so if your enemies stay out of range, it won’t be of much use.


visual representation of the odin gun in valorant

If you enjoy the concept of overpowering and subduing your adversaries with a barrage of bullets, this weapon will fulfill that purpose perfectly. The Odin remains a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, boasting exceptional bullet penetration, satisfactory damage, an enormous 100-round magazine, and an incredibly rapid fire rate.

Having the ability to eliminate troublesome campers and secure enemy locations is advantageous for any team, particularly in crucial moments of a tight match. That is why the Odin has become an essential weapon for Sova, as it allows for the quick deployment of a Recon Bolt followed by a barrage of bullets.

While the Odin is a powerful weapon in Valorant, it should be used with caution due to its clunkiness. If you prioritize agility in your gameplay, this may not be the ideal weapon for you. Furthermore, the high cost of the Odin makes it challenging to justify using it in-game.

This is the Valorant gun tier list, organized by category. Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this list will help you make more informed decisions during matches. Don’t forget to also check out our top controller settings to gain an advantage in the Valorant console beta.

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