Valve’s Discontinuation of Deadlock Stat Trackers: Addressing Concerns and Clarifying the Impact

According to a now-deleted Discord post from one of the creators of Tracklock, a website that monitors statistics for Deadlock players, Valve has shut down its operation.

While Valve has not officially partnered with or created a website to showcase the current meta, in-game insights, or ladder ranking for Deadlock, many players have found an alternative in Tracklock. This unofficial tracker highlights the top players on the server and the most successful heroes based on win-rate.

Despite attempts by Valve to shut down stat tracking websites during the game’s beta phase, these websites have persisted.

The issue with game tracking on Tracklock has been addressed by one of its creators, ‘ws,’ on the community Discord. According to ‘ws,’ Valve has implemented stricter rate limits, causing a halt in the tracking of new games. To address this issue, changes will be made to the site in the near future. ‘ws’ also commented on the fact that the game is still in beta and it seems that Valve is not prepared for the inclusion of stats sites yet.

Deadlock Mo and Krill

Deadlock hero Mo and Krill.

The developer announced that Tracklock will utilize the downtime to enhance its other features and await a potential solution from Valve. Additionally, they may also be waiting for stats sites to fully incorporate Deadlock once it completes its beta testing phase.

The next phase of the game’s progression has yet to be revealed, however, players anticipate that Deadlock will become available for everyone to test out in the near future.

Valve’s decision regarding the game’s subreddit was met with positive reactions from players. They understood the reasoning behind the developer’s reluctance to allow stat sites to interfere with the balancing and testing of the game at such an early stage.

“One player expressed their understanding that Valve aims to minimize any external conflicts and egos that may influence the playtest. While it may still have some impact, it is a wise decision to try and mitigate this as much as possible.”

Despite the unavailability of these sites, tracking websites can still operate by utilizing alternative data or creating personalized guides for popular characters. However, Deadlock players will have to patiently await the release of Valve’s ranking system to truly determine the top players on the server, as these sites are currently inactive.

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