[Video] Yoo Ah In appeared in court and was humiliated by the public! Last time I was thrown a bottle, this time I was hit in the face with banknotes: “Go spend time in jail!”

For Yoo Ah-in, who is suspected of violating the Narcotics Control Act and abetting the destruction of evidence, the second detention order review court was held at the Seoul Central District Court on the morning of the 21st.

This move also triggered heated discussions on Korean nets. Korean netizens said: “Why throw 10,000 won to people who spend hundreds of millions of dollars on drugs?””Drug criminals should stop making movies or TV series. Yoo Ah-in, Ha Jung-woo, Ju Ji-hoon Wait”, “Look at his expression with ease”, “An actor is an actor, hahaha”, “Why is it so funny? Who sprinkled it?”, “It feels like it will be made into an animated picture”, “Throwing a coin only hurts, Why are you throwing banknotes?”, “The expression is very much like acting, like a movie still
“and so on.

Yoo Ah In (Source: TVDaily)
Yoo Ah In (Source: TVDaily)

After three months of supplementary investigation, prosecutors additionally revealed suspicions that Yoo Ah In instructed acquaintances to destroy evidence or force local companions in the United States to smoke marijuana, and applied for an arrest warrant on the 18th of this month, 119 days later. According to prosecutors, Yoo Ah-in is suspected of regularly purchasing and injecting a total of 500 million won of propofol (commonly known as milk injections) and other medical drugs at hospitals in Seoul since 2020 under the pretext of sleep anesthesia for cosmetic surgeries. In addition, he is also suspected of illegally prescribing 1,000 sleeping pills in the name of others dozens of times, and in January this year, together with Cui and four other people, he injected marijuana and other drugs in the United States.

Yoo Ah In (Source: TVDaily)

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