VIPs Recall Big Bang’s Warning to Seungri: ‘Beware of Fraudulent Behavior or You May Face Jail Time’

After the release of the “Burning Sun”documentary, which revealed Seungri’s significant involvement in the case, K-pop fans, including VIPs, revisited the instances when BIGBANG members had previously warned their former co-member about his behavior, which ultimately resulted in criminal actions.

The British public broadcast channel BBC released a documentary on May 19 about the “Burning Sun Gate”controversy, which focused on the incidents of prostitution, sexual assault, rape, and police corruption that occurred in one of Gangnam’s most popular clubs in 2018-2019.

The article detailed the significant involvement of Seungri, one of the club’s owners, and his link to Jung Joon Young, who was convicted of sexual assault and rape. Jung had created a private Kakao Talk group chat with other K-pop idols, where he distributed “molkas”(illegally recorded videos of his victims).

VIPs Recall Times BIGBANG Warned Seungri: 'You Might Go To Jail, Don't Be A Fraud'
(Photo : Seungri, BIGBANG (News1))

As the documentary gained traction online, viewers couldn’t help but re-evaluate the people associated with these criminals. Fans also reminisced about the moments when BIGBANG may have predicted their former bandmate’s incarceration and involvement in such despicable acts.

On X, previously recorded videos of the K-pop idols were being shared, and one of the most talked-about moments was T.O.P’s comment addressing Seungri’s circle of friends and their seeming prioritization of money over their love for music.

T.O.P stated:

“Some of his friends I get glimpses of at the concert worry me. I get the feeling that some of them are by his side not because they like him but because they like his title.”

He went on:

“Seungri, we weren’t like this in the past. Until when do we need to talk about money? We met with a passion for music. We should talk about the future. It seems like you only talk about money these days.”

During an earlier Japanese interview before their military service, Taeyang cautioned Seungri that he would be alone without the rest of the group and said:

“We can’t protect you anymore. Seungri will be representing BIGBANG alone, so please be careful. If anything happens, we are finished. I will really be over. It’s time to say goodbye.”

In yet another clip shared on the internet, G-Dragon openly stated to Seungri.

“To Seungri, don’t be a fraud. You might go to jail and eat tofu.”

In fact, fans discovered that GD had also dissed Seungri’s group of friends in one of his songs, “Middle Finger,”through the lyrics.

“You say, ‘We have met before.’ -What? No, we haven’t. You say, ‘I’m close with Seungri.’ -So what? You ask me, ‘Can you give me your number so we can get together sometime to have a drink? I know a lot of pretty girls.’ -But why in the hell I would give you my number? Who are you?”

Despite this, T.O.P has made multiple attempts to distance BIGBANG from Seungri, even going as far as stating that the group only consists of four members.

Despite T.O.P’s departure from BIGBANG, Daesung also did not acknowledge Seungri as a former group member, which holds significant weight for fans.

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