Viral Hit episode 6: The Angel and Devil

The sixth episode of Viral Hit was released in Japan on Thursday, May 16, 2024. It continued the foreshadowing from the previous episode’s ending credits, revealing that the show now has an editor. Additionally, the episode introduced a more challenging obstacle for Hobin, surpassing even the difficulty of Pakgo.

The zany antics of the trio who run the NewTubu channel are challenged by a formidable foe: a former MMA fighter who has become a school bully and sadist. Despite Hobin’s previous triumphs against school troublemaker Pakgo and the couple who stole his phone, this new adversary may prove to be too powerful unless he improves his fighting skills once more.

Viral Hit episode 6: Gaeul finally joins Viral Hit and the terror of Taehun Seong

Viral Hit’s New Editor and Snapper’s Angel: Gaeul Lee

Gaeul Lee in Viral Hit Episode 6 (Image via Okuruto Noboru)
Gaeul Lee in Viral Hit Episode 6 (Image via Okuruto Noboru)

The sixth installment of Viral Hit kicks off with Hobin and Snapper facing a challenge in finding a suitable editor for their channel. Snapper’s editing abilities were lacking, causing frustration in their search. Despite their discouragement, they continued on and filmed a video requesting volunteers. Just when they were about to give up due to a lack of experienced editors, Ding, the elderly man who provided commentary for their fights, offered a glimmer of hope.

Gaeul Lee, a first-year known for her adorable demeanor and use of sophisticated, outdated language such as “kids these days”, was discovered to be the “old man”. Eagle-eyed viewers would recognize her from the first episode, where she was always seen quietly observing Hobin’s growth from a distance. This is a departure from the manwha, which introduced her in a different scene.

Gaeul easily gains the favor of both Hobin and Snapper. Hobin appreciates her skilled editing and meticulousness, especially when it came to censoring the intense bullying in episode 4. Snapper, like Hobin, also becomes infatuated with Gaeul after she shakes his hand, similarly to how Hobin became infatuated with Bomi in episode 3.

The titular Devil: Taehun Seong

Viral Hit episode 6: The Devil Taehun Seong (Image via Okuruto Noboru)
Viral Hit episode 6: The Devil Taehun Seong (Image via Okuruto Noboru)

Bomi’s concerns about Hobin’s failure to answer his phone are quickly interrupted by the introduction of the main antagonist in Viral Hit episode 6: Taehun Seong, also known as the devil. A former MMA fighter and current student at Gangbuk High School, Taehun is notorious for his use of combat taekwondo to physically harm others.

Despite being known as the devil in the anime, Taehun consistently displays his prowess as an experienced athlete and fighter. His speed and footwork allow him to effortlessly defend himself against multiple opponents, even those larger than him. However, his past behavior caused him to be expelled from MMA, a fact that is revealed in graphic detail in the show.

Taehun can be described as a sadist who derives pleasure from causing pain to others. He uses tactics such as holding people’s friends, money, or anything important to them as hostages in order to break them down and make them feel powerless and hopeless. In the episode, he demonstrates this behavior on four separate occasions: first, with individuals bothering him at the arcade, then with those seeking revenge for a previous altercation, followed by a classmate whose shoes he desired, and finally, with Snapper when he corners Hobin and Gaeul at the end of the episode.

Taekwondo: A Journey of Experience

Taekwondo is good in Viral Hit episode 6 (Image via Okuruto Noboru)
Taekwondo is good in Viral Hit episode 6 (Image via Okuruto Noboru)

It is important to mention Gaeul’s proficiency in combat and Taekwondo, as it is the central theme of Viral Hit episode 6. Gaeul, known as “old man Ding”in the comments section and chats for every Viral Hit video, possesses extensive knowledge of fighting and techniques. In fact, she even teaches Snapper a lesson when he underestimates Taekwondo as a martial art.

Based on episode 6 of Viral Hit, there are two distinct types of Taekwondo: Sport Taekwondo, which follows a set of regulations, and Combat Taekwondo, which is designed for self-defense and incapacitating opponents. This form is demonstrated to have a higher kick speed and striking force compared to Muay Thai and Capoeira, two other martial arts that place emphasis on agility and swiftness.

The celebrity, who has not been named and was previously featured on the news, Mike Tyson’s epoxy, also reveals that Taekwondo has a unique move called the back kick. This knowledge deters Hobin from wanting to fight Taehun, despite Snapper’s persistent encouragement. However, Hobin’s attitude starts to shift when Taehun and his friends corner him at the end of Viral Hit episode 6.

Final thoughts

In episode 6 of Viral Hit, Hobin is faced with a daunting challenge of fighting against Taehun. The episode highlights all the reasons why this task may be too much for him. Additionally, it showcases Gaeul’s importance to the team and sets up difficult obstacles for Hobin to overcome. Although the escalation may seem sudden, the jump from battling petty criminals to skilled MMA fighters is a significant one. However, it appears that Hobin is not backing down easily.

Despite only being the beginning of Hobin’s journey, it’s clear that Samdek’s videos have already proven useful in two situations and are likely to help him once again. However, Taehun poses a different challenge than a bully like Pakgo, meaning Hobin will need to devote intense focus and training to overcome him. It’s important to remember that not every battle will end in victory.

Despite Gaeul’s previous lack of screen time, viewers will likely be relieved to see her cool and energetic demeanor, rather than the previous stalker behavior. The fact that an editor created a personalized introduction for them can only further enhance the ratings of Viral Hit. Fans should make sure to catch episode 7 to find out what unfolds next.

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