VTuber gets pricey RAM stuck in PC building mishap

VTuber Leahkitties attempted to upgrade their PC, but unfortunately ended up getting their expensive Corsair RAM stuck together. Despite their efforts, the RAM pieces remain firmly stuck and won’t come apart.

Constructing and improving a gaming PC has become increasingly convenient. This could be attributed to the abundance of tutorials and the availability of PC parts. Nevertheless, when handling costly and delicate components, mishaps are still likely to occur.

Popular VTuber Leahkitties discovered this when attempting to upgrade the RAM on their PC. Instead of experiencing the advantages of smoother performance with upgraded memory, they encountered a problem where their two RAM sticks became completely stuck together.

Leahkitties shared a brief video on their X/Twitter account, showcasing a comical blunder. In the clip, the VTuber can be seen frantically trying to separate two sticks of Corsair 64GB DDR5 RAM, which have become tangled and impossible to detach.

The VTuber shared the video as a plea for assistance, stating that the RAM appeared to be stuck together due to magnetic forces, despite being handled gently prior to the incident.

Leahkitties recounted how, while opening their PC case, they momentarily placed the RAM on the counter, resulting in a hilarious situation.

Upon their return to showcase the impressive capabilities of 64 GB of 6000mhz DDR5 RAM on their PC, they were met with a comical combination instead.

The VTuber’s request for assistance was met with an overwhelming response from friends and fans, who provided various solutions for freeing the stuck components without causing any harm to the £250 ($317) worth of RAM. Suggestions ranged from gently pulling them apart to utilizing coconut oil.

The comical mishap sparked a flurry of entertaining responses, with even Corsair, the manufacturer of the RAM in question, joining in on the fun.

Klevv Ram in an X on a desk

X/Twitter user AsAstra_VT, a fellow VTuber, responded, “They are creating additional RAM, so let them have their privacy.”In addition, GunthorVt, another VTuber, asked, “Is your RAM dedicated? It seems like it is very devoted to its RAM wife.”

Based on the footage, it appears that a shift in temperature may have caused the Termopad’s adhesive to become more sticky than usual. Unfortunately, we will never have a definite answer. Fortunately, Corsair has reached out and is currently investigating the issue.

Nevertheless, the video serves as a strong reminder to remain vigilant and protect your valuable PC components because unexpected occurrences can happen at any time. It is particularly important as the idea of two RAM sticks falling for each other was not something we anticipated in our predictions for the year 2024.

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