Warzone C4 Uselessness Divides Players After Dominating Meta

After receiving a significant buff in Season 3, the C4 has established itself as a formidable weapon in Warzone. However, the developers have recently implemented a major nerf for the explosive, causing a divide within the community.

Despite the Kar98k’s dominance in the Warzone meta during Season 4, there has been a rise in popularity for various other weapons and Equipment. One of these is the C4, which received a significant buff in Season 3 and has become the preferred Lethal for many players.

The developers must have considered C4 to be overpowered against vehicles and enemy players, as they rolled out a minor update on June 19 that decreased its throwing speed and damage. This was done in an attempt to balance its effectiveness.

In a post regarding the change, they announced that the “throw velocity has been decreased by 15%,”in addition to reducing the explosives radius by one meter and nerfing the damage from 155 to 138.

In general, this modification decreases the coverage area of C4 and slightly diminishes its effectiveness when enemies are near the edge of its explosion.

The nerf to the C4 in Warzone has caused a rift among players, as evidenced by the response to the developer’s and CharlieIntel’s posts. While some have welcomed the adjustment, stating that it was long overdue, others have praised it as a positive change, citing issues in Ranked Play.

One player who supported the nerf stated, “It was too cheesy in ranked. Some players weren’t even shooting their guns, they were just constantly spamming c4.”

In the meantime, some individuals contended that C4 had become even more pleasurable to utilize following the initial buff and wished for them to retain their level of strength.

“According to one reply, the game was enjoyable until it was buffed, but then it was nerfed. Another commenter expressed disappointment, stating that even the unexpected explosions caused by C4 were a source of amusement before the fun was nerfed.”

There are further weapon balancing adjustments expected to arrive with the launch of Warzone Season 4 Reloaded on June 26, including the highly anticipated reduction of the Kar98k’s power. As we approach Season 5, it remains to be seen how these changes will impact the current meta.

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