Warzone players urge developers to implement Apex Legends aim assist changes

Upon learning that Apex Legends has eliminated aim flinch for all weapons and most Legend abilities, Warzone players are urging the Call of Duty development team to do the same.

In Season 22, Apex Legends introduces some daring changes. Respawn has acknowledged that the aim assist is currently overly powerful, particularly for PC players utilizing controllers. Consequently, they are decreasing its potency by 25%.

Additionally, the devs’ announcement that aim flinch has been almost completely eliminated was met with great excitement from players. This update will allow players to keep their aim steady on an enemy, even if they are being fired upon.

This unintentional change also negatively affects controller players, as aim assist has been helpful in reducing flinch and recoil. Many CoD players are envious and are hoping for a similar adjustment in Warzone.

According to IceManIsaac, the recent changes will attract a large number of MnK (mouse and keyboard) players who had abandoned Warzone due to the unfair advantage of aim assist and visual recoil. This update will also widen the skill gap between controller players.

HusKerrs, a professional Warzone player, reiterated his belief that a targeted nerf to aim assist could effectively increase the overall aiming skill gap and bring balance to close-range engagements between keyboard and mouse players and the majority of casual players who may not even notice the change.

Fellow battle royale opponent Swag countered IceManIsaac’s statement and commented, “Just making some minor adjustments to this one lol.”

IceManIsaac firmly disagreed and contended that many mouse and keyboard players, including popular streamers like Shroud and Summit1G, refuse to play Warzone due to the significant advantage that aim-assist gives to controller players.

Despite this, the majority of community members in the comment section were in agreement that aim flinch should not be included in Warzone.

TheTacticalBrit, a popular content creator for Warzone, stated, “I believe this is the best path to take. Without significant changes to aim assist, hitboxes, and server performance, Warzone will continue to lack a competitive skill gap.”

There is currently no indication of whether Raven Software or any other Call of Duty development teams intend to address aim flinch in future games. While Modern Warfare 3 did make some improvements to visual recoil compared to its predecessor, players are hoping that the developers will take it a step further.

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