Warzone Pro Shifty Stuns Viewers with Insane Gas Play to Win $1m World Series Qualifier

Upon Shifty’s initial appearance in 2022, he was bombarded with numerous allegations of hacking. Even professional players he competed with and against were skeptical of his abilities and doubted the legitimacy of his actions.

Without a doubt, after two years, he remains one of the top players in Call of Duty battle royale, reaffirming his skill by clinching victory on match point during the WSOW qualifiers held on June 19.

Despite being alone and with the circle closing in, Shifty understood that he needed to strategize in order to prolong his survival and potentially secure a Match Point victory. However, his lack of teammates forced him to approach the situation in a distinct manner.

Shifty took his PDS field upgrade into the gas and placed it on a parked car. He then drove the car out and back towards the circle, all while maintaining enough health to continue driving and take out opponents.

After being left with only one opponent to face, Shifty drove back into the gas and positioned himself behind a wall. He was able to eliminate the final opponent and emerge as the surprise winner, leaving everyone in disbelief.

Repullze and his Pullze Check watch party were astounded by what they witnessed. Despite 9 other players from 4 different teams dropping out, Shifty miraculously emerged as the winner in a way that is rarely seen in competitive Warzone, if ever.

Shifty, Biffle, and Hisoka, along with their team, are top contenders for the World Series of Warzone championship. They have consistently outperformed their opponents in numerous tournaments throughout the year, and with incredible plays like this, their skill is undeniable.

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