Ways to Get Expelled from School in BitLife: A Complete Guide

One of the most difficult goals to achieve while completing weekly challenges like the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife is to get expelled from school. If you’re unsure how to get yourself dismissed during your school years, here’s a comprehensive guide detailing the entire process.

How to Get Suspended from School in BitLife

Like in real life, your character needs to engage in some form of misconduct to be suspended from school. I suggest that once you enroll in school, your character should repeatedly engage in one of the following actions.

  • Insulting
  • Disrespecting
  • Dealing
  • Messing
  • Pirate Porch
  • Gifting Poor Quality Items
  • Burglary
  • Grand Theft Auto

While all the above actions will lead to suspension or expulsion from school, the most effective methods are insulting and disrespecting, as they provide the quickest route to suspension.

How to Insult in BitLife

The Insult option in BitLife
Image by Pro Game Guides

To insult someone in BitLife, navigate to the Activities tab for your school classmates or teachers and access their Relationship tab. Here, select the Insult option to verbally attack and curse at them.

How to Disrespect in BitLife

The Disrespect option in BitLife
Image by Pro Game Guides

The Disrespect action is exclusively available for individuals in positions of authority, such as office superiors, teachers, and senior government officials. To disrespect someone, navigate to the Relationship tab of that person through the Jobs section and choose the Disrespect option to mock or ridicule them within the game.

Utilize both of these options (Insult or Disrespect) at least two to three times each year, and you will almost certainly be expelled within a few years of employing these tactics.


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