“Welcome to the Kingdom of the King” Junhao and Yuna love more and more high-profile! The head of the department uses his power to take his employees on overseas trips through his grandma! Run’e ate Taiwanese food at a Thai night market! (EP.9-10)

(Cover photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

[You Lei] “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Kingdom”director Junhao and the best employee Yuna finally started their official romance in the company! In order to go out with the one he loves, Junhao even loves the house and Wu, and brings Run’e’s best friend to the staff to reward overseas trips.

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Headquarters Gu Yuan (played by Li Junhao) took pains to prepare the “Yuan Canteen”to pursue Tian Silang (played by Yuna). When they were working in the hotel, the two were always looking for opportunities to secretly express their love for each other, but Gu Yuan’s slightly careless attitude still touched Si Lang’s sensitive nerves. Gu Yuan thought that it could be carried out from the side of caring for grandma, and went to visit grandma with flowers. Unexpectedly, he happened to catch grandma who almost fell, and also sent grandma to be hospitalized for examination first.

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

Si Lang had no choice but to temporarily stay at grandma’s house with Gu Yuan. Gu Yuan recalled that the two were once stranded on the small island of Jeju Island and lived in the same room together for the night. The next day grandma took Ju Yuan to the market to show off with friends, and even opened an account for Gu Yuan to save for buying a new house. Speak out to confirm each other’s thoughts. After escorting Si Lang back to his residence, he happened to meet his girlfriends who were complaining about their troubles at work. While hiding that he was the head of the department, Gu Yuan named them the best employees of the year in the company, and called them “Chief Lu””Take them on an incentive trip to Thailand.

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

Gu Yuan’s close secretary Lu (played by An Shi Ha) cleverly pretended to be his boss, and arranged a trip for eating, drinking and having fun in Thailand. What’s interesting is that a group of people came to the night market in Thailand, but Si Lang dragged his chief to the “Peanut Roll”In front of the “Ice Cream”booth, we ate authentic Taiwanese night market delicacies. During the compact itinerary, the minister and Si Lang only wanted to get rid of group activities and gain time for the two of them to be alone. So they had no choice but to take advantage of the first day when everyone was so tired that they fell asleep, and the two met at the hotel pool for a date.

(Source: Screenshot of Netflix @ “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Kingdom”)

The junior Lu Yun, who has always had a good impression of the flight attendant Ping He, also flew to Bangkok at this time, and joined them after inquiring about Ping He’s itinerary, which surprised Ping He and had a pleasant night. The Japanese minister and Si Lang planned to leave the team early in the morning to go out on their own, even if everyone found out, it didn’t matter, Gu Yuan sent a luxurious itinerary and dinner, which made Si Lang feel very happy. At this time, Ju Yuan also mentioned that his mother suddenly disappeared when he was a child, and he has been hoping to find traces of his mother but to no avail.

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

After the happy journey, Ju Yuan is about to face a wave of offensive from his sister, how will he make moves? Si Lang also assisted Gu Yuan in finding his mother. I wonder if the senior staff of the hotel can provide some clues?

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

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