“Welcome to the Kingdom of the King” Kiss like entering no one’s land, but the roommates broke in! Run’e was almost fired from the hotel, and was surprised to find that Junhao already has a fiancee! (EP.11-12)

(Cover photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

[You Lei] The head of “Welcome to the Kingdom of the King”Junhao and Yun’e returned to China with good memories abroad, followed by the hotel’s upcoming centennial banquet, Junhao’s ingenious arrangement won his father’s affirmation. Run’e was almost dismissed by Ao Ke’s complaint, but she still secretly investigates Junhao’s mother’s past. The sweetness of the two’s love foretells that the abuse is about to begin.

The following is the lightning protection line


After the trip in Thailand, Gu Yuan (played by Li Junhao) immediately put himself into the planning of the hotel’s centennial commemorative banquet. He believed that the most important thing for the hotel to operate for a century is the dedicated employees. Therefore, he is different from the high-ranking officials that his sister wanted. He recruited a group of employees who worked hard in places that no one could see, including the maintenance team, housekeeping team, gatekeepers, etc., and even a noble person who helped the hotel when it was in trouble.

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

The member of Congress invited by Gu Yuan’s sister felt humiliated because she didn’t have the opportunity to speak on stage that day. Although her sister hosted a banquet again, the member became angry and complained that he was dissatisfied with the service at the table. Fortunately, Gu Yuan appeared in time to prevent his sister from firing him, and reiterated the importance of employees.

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

Taking advantage of the days when the flight attendant’s roommate might be staying overnight on duty, he cooked a delicious meal and invited Gu Yuan to his home as a guest. The two of them even refused to answer the phone, declined all interruptions, and just wanted to enjoy the sweet world of the two. Unexpectedly, just as Gu Yuan was hugging Princess Si Lang, the two began to kiss passionately, at this moment, four people suddenly appeared at the door and exclaimed in unison! It turned out that the members of the tour group had a temporary appointment to have a party. Seeing this, Si Lang just wanted to pretend to be dead and give up struggling, while Gu Yuan confessed his true identity, scaring everyone to exclaim that it was really disrespectful!

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

Goo Won looks for his mother who used to work in the hotel, and with the help of Si Lang, it seems to have made some progress, and Si Lang has also been recognized at work, promoted to the dream team, and can serve at the chairman’s house. At this time, he saw Gu Yuan attending his father’s party, sitting next to him was the girl who had held a birthday party at the hotel before, and Gu Yuan’s father was urging their marriage…Si Lang was so shocked that he broke the porcelain plate…

(Source: Facebook @JTBC drama)

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