What Are Facets in Dota 2?

The controversial 7.36 patch of Dota 2 brought about the addition of Facets and Innate abilities, which sparked a divide among players. Unlike Innate abilities, which are predetermined, Facets require players to make a choice between two options before the match begins. This means that before deciding, it is important to understand the impact of Facets and how they affect gameplay in Dota 2.

How Do Facets Work in Dota 2?

Facets are essential effects that define the builds of every hero in Dota 2. Each hero is given a choice of two Facets. These Facets must be selected before the game begins or during the picking and strategy phase. Once a Facet has been selected and the game has started, it cannot be altered.

During the picking and strategy time phase, when you choose a Facet, your opponents will not be able to see it, and you will not be able to see theirs. However, all Facets will be revealed at the beginning of the game. This prevents you from being able to anticipate your opponent’s choice and strategize accordingly.

It is significant because certain heroes undergo a complete transformation depending on the Facet they are utilizing. Take the Phantom Assassin, for instance, who possesses both the Veiled One and Methodical Facets. With the former, her Blur ability cannot be dispelled by attacks, and while Blur is active, her mana costs are reduced by 30%. If Blur is dispelled, all of her abilities and items have zero mana cost for 5 seconds.

The main emphasis is on enhancing Coup De Grace, which results in a greater increase in Phantom Assassin’s Critical Damage bonus from the skill. In addition, Methodical alters the randomness of Coup De Grace, ensuring that it will consistently activate on the sixth attack against the same enemy hero or the fourth attack against a creep.

The Veiled One is an effective tool for Phantom Assassin to counter Anti-Mages with true strike or Pangoliers with Diffusal blades. However, if you are not facing any specific counters and are looking for increased damage, Methodical is a good choice as you can strategically utilize your critical hits.

The introduction of Facets has greatly divided opinions within the game, and errors in judgment can now have severe consequences due to the overall increase in power of every hero in the 7.36 patch. Furthermore, the inclusion of Innate abilities means that there is a lot for players to learn and adapt to.

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