What are Special Energy cards? Pokemon TCG explained

Understanding all the different card types in the Pokemon TCG can be challenging. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to help you identify and understand Special Energy cards.

The Pokemon TCG offers a wide variety of card types, ranging from Special Illustration Rares to Stadium cards. For those new to the game or collecting, it can be challenging to understand the different categories these cards fall into. This is particularly true for more scarce types, such as Special Energy cards.

Special Energy cards are an advancement from Basic Energy cards, serving as a source of fuel or resources for Pokemon attacks and retreat costs. They often possess distinctive abilities, conditions, and designs. While not as prevalent as Basic Energy cards, they hold value for collectors and should be kept.

Examples of Special Energy Pokemon cards.
The Pokemon Company

Mist Energy (161/162), Strong Energy (104/111), and Blend Energy (117/124).

The illustrations on Energy cards often serve as a reliable representation of their function. For instance, the above Blend Energy card displays four distinct Energy types (Psychic, Fire, Grass, and Dark) positioned behind a Colorless Energy symbol, indicating its capability to supply Energy of any of those types.

While Special Energy cards can pack a punch, they are not readily available. An illustration of this is the fact that out of the total release of two Special Energy cards in Temporal Forces, one was an ACE SPEC card.

How to Identify Special Energy Cards

Some Basic Energy cards have distinct designs and holofoils that may cause confusion with Special Energy cards. If you are unsure whether a card is a Special Energy, you can ask yourself a few questions.

  1. Does the card have a Special Energy tag at the top? The location of this tag may differ between sets, but it will always be labeled as “Special Energy”near the card’s title.
  2. Is there a noticeable difference between Special Energy cards and regular Energy cards in terms of artwork? While Basic Energy cards may feature unique designs, Special Energy cards will stand out with more dynamic and colorful designs, deviating from the typical central Energy logo design.
  3. A Basic Energy card serves as a source of 1 Energy for Pokemon. If the card has additional abilities such as providing multiple Energy types or eliminating retreat costs, it can be classified as a Special Energy card.

If you are still uncertain, you can use the online Pokemon TCG database by entering the card title. This digital resource is ideal for learning more about a card, as it includes important details for players and collectors, such as the card illustrator’s name.

If you happen to come across a Special Energy card from a previous set that is no longer in use, it is worthwhile to protect it by sleeving it and adding it to your collection. These cards can be quite scarce and even hold value in certain instances, making them a valuable addition for collectors to have on hand.

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