What does Ajax mean in Overwatch 2? Ajax beat meme explained

Have you ever missed a Lucio beat and noticed ‘Ajax’ being typed in the chat? Here is the explanation behind Overwatch 2’s most infamous meme.

The Overwatch community has created a wide range of specialized terms specific to the game, such as ‘nano-blade’, ‘Boostio’, and ‘C9’, forming a unique language within the game.

You may encounter a specific phrase, whether it’s directed towards you or another Lucio, which is ‘Ajax’. But what exactly does it signify? And what steps must one take to successfully execute an Ajax?

What does Ajax refer to in Overwatch 2?

The term “Ajax,”also known as an Ajax beat, refers to the situation where a Lucio’s Sound Barrier Ultimate is interrupted while they are in the process of casting it.

It is possible for an Ajax to occur due to various reasons, including accidental triggering. For instance, a Lucio may have been eliminated during their beat animation, or they could have been stunned or put to sleep just before the beat landed.

Despite the explanation, if you or another Lucio is unable to successfully perform your beat, it is referred to as an Ajax, and as a Lucio player, there is no worse feeling than experiencing it.

Origins of Ajax in Overwatch 2

The origin of the term Ajax, like many other Overwatch terms, can be traced back to its esports scene. It was coined in honor of retired professional player Alex “Ajax”Jackson.

During the Contender 2018 Season 3 Grand Finals match between ATL Academy and Fusion University, Ajax, who was playing for ATL, had his Sound Barrier canceled three times in a single map.

The original Ajax occurs at 38:32, 40:31, and 43:04.

In the third map of the Busan series, Ajax had a chance to rescue his team with a few crucial blows during fights, but unfortunately, he was unable to do so. He was eliminated twice and his Reinhardt was shattered in one instance.

Despite retiring nearly a year after the fateful Grand Final, Ajax has solidified his legacy in Overwatch, even if it is often referenced as a meme.

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