What does Rank Protected mean in Fortnite? Rank protection explained

If you’ve participated in a competitive match in Fortnite, it’s possible that you’ve come across the “Rank Protected”notification. However, do you know the significance of this message?

In the realm of Fortnite Competitive, there is always the possibility of having an off game where luck may not be on your side.

If you do not see the “Rank Protected”message after losing a match in competitive mode, there is a possibility that you may lose some of your Rank Points.

In Fortnite, this is how Rank Protection operates and why the game displays a “Rank Protected”message.

Understanding the Fortnite Rank Protected Message

If your first Fortnite Competitive match of the day ends in a loss, you will receive the “Rank Protected” message on your screen. This indicates that you will not be deducted any Rank Points for that particular defeat. However, any subsequent losses will result in a decrease in Rank Points.

Activating Rank Protection in Fortnite

There is no action required on your part to activate Rank Protection in Fortnite as this feature is automatically enabled.

If you have lost one match in the day, it is advisable to wait for the next Rank Protection reset before playing another match. This will ensure that you do not lose out on any Rank Points if you lose again.

How often does Fortnite Rank Protection reset?

The reset time for Rank Protection in Fortnite Competitive is at 8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST / 1 AM GMT every day. This means that if you lose your first match, you will have to wait until the next reset to have your rank protected once more.

To summarize, this covers all the information you need to know about Rank Protection in Fortnite.

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