What Happens to Missed Poke Balls?

The Pokemon franchise is constantly on the minds of fans, but there are many aspects of the series that remain unexplored or intentionally ambiguous. A prime example of this is the mystery surrounding the use of Poke Balls and what happens when they fail to capture a Pokemon.

Poke Balls play a crucial role in the Pokemon games, yet we often overlook their significance. Have you ever wondered what happens to the Pokemon inside the ball? How do they function and why? There was almost an instance in the anime where Pikachu and Meowth attempted to catch each other – could Pokemon actually capture one another?

The individuals who spent their savings on Ultra Balls have questioned the necessity of doing so. They have also inquired about the fate of Poke Balls that fail to capture Pokemon. This topic has been discussed on the Pokemon Conspiracies Reddit, where users have asked for answers and presented various theories based on different canons.

Pikachu throws a Poke Ball
The Pokemon Company

It’s time to unveil the Poke Ball Monopoly.

One user pointed out, “Historically, Poke Balls were crafted from apricorns, which I believe are able to break down naturally.”They added, “I’m not sure about the current Poke Balls, but hopefully they are also designed to be biodegradable, especially since many are thrown into the wild and left behind.”

One user joked, “I found this to be quite obvious. Bellsprouts consume the Poke Balls and then expel them, transforming into Pea Shooters from Plants vs Zombies.”Another user mentioned, “If I remember correctly, one of the Web anime series (Origins?) showed the ball exploding.”

A user proposed a theory to explain the concept of Poke Balls and other loot. They believed that the balls you use up would then transform into random items for other players. This would mean that while exploring, your character would come across Poke Balls in grass and caves, which could be collected and used.

“I used to believe that our lost Poke Balls were simply discovered by other players, just like how we sometimes find items. This was my theory for why we were unable to retrieve them. The same reasoning applied to the occasional sightings of ‘random Poke Balls with nuggets and medicine’. It wasn’t a coincidence; these were items dropped by other players who may not have been aware of it.”

The main reason behind Poke Balls being one-use items is because the Pokemon games are RPGs, and players enjoy seeing numerical values fluctuate. These items, along with their more powerful versions, offer an incentive to earn and use money, while also giving players a satisfying dopamine boost when they stumble upon a complimentary one in the wild.

As the Pokemon world is a futuristic paradise, it can be assumed that they have devised a solution for disposable plastic. Therefore, the disposal of Poke Balls should not pose a problem. In the event that they have not found a solution, the environment would suffer from the abundance of broken Poke Ball pieces.

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