What is physical and non-physical damage in Diablo 4?

There are different types of damage that you will come across in Diablo 4, and they can be broadly grouped under two basic categories, i.e., physical damage and non-physical damage. The difference between these two categories shouldn’t matter much during the initial stages of the game, but as you progress to the endgame stages in World Tier 3 and World Tier 4, it’s important to know the type of damage a build does.

Given that Diablo 4 is a roleplaying game with different classes, it’s understandable that different damage types will be involved. However, the game does very little to explain what these types are.

What is the difference between physical and non-physical damage in Diablo 4?

As the name suggests, physical damage refers to the direct damage that a player does to an enemy using their weapons. This damage does not take into account any imbuements or elemental effects whatsoever. However, it does consider critical strikes, but only those not influenced by elemental buffs.

For classes that wield many melee weapons, some of their core skills only revolve around dealing physical damage. To put it into perspective, the better the weapon, the better its damage output will be in Diablo 4. Most of the nodes on the Paragon Board influence your physical damage abilities in the game.

On the contrary, non-physical damage refers to all the other damage types in the game. This includes poison damage, shadow damage, and the three kinds of elemental damage in the game. Every class has multiple skills that deal elemental damage to their enemies. The damage that these skills do can be classified as non-physical damage.

Should you be focusing on only physical or non-physical damage or both?

Unlike the physical damage output of a character, very few nodes on the Paragon Boards influence the level of elemental damage that a character does. However, some nodes affect the skill damage output of a character. And in most cases, skill damage also directly translates to elemental damage in Diablo 4.

What’s more interesting is that in certain cases, these elemental damages tick over time, weakening the enemy and making it easier for you to finish them off with physical damage. During build crafting, you must pay equal attention to skills and abilities that deal physical and non-physical damage, respectively, along with the different damage buckets that are present in Diablo 4. While the former can be used to decimate targets, the latter can be used to soften them up, reducing the overall elimination time for a particular target or a group of enemies.

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