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When is the next scheduled Deadlock server maintenance? How to change regions?

When is the next scheduled Deadlock server maintenance? How to change regions?

Getting access to play Deadlock is not easy, as players require special permission to join its matches. Additionally, it is important to select the appropriate timing, as the servers may not always be available.

Despite not being officially released, Deadlock has gained immense popularity in the gaming community, drawing in thousands of players to embark on its adventure. However, due to its current playtest status, accessing and participating in battles can be challenging, especially with the addition of server complications.

To assist with accessing Deadlock at your convenience, the current server status and server times for your region are provided. Additionally, instructions on how to switch regions to play with friends or continue battling are included.

Server Status

The Deadlock servers are operational and functioning without any reported issues for the currently open servers.

As Deadlock is currently in its playtest phase, experiencing difficulty in joining a match may be due to your region’s servers not being available yet.

Every region has designated times for players to play the game. This means that the servers may experience increased activity as players join in. As a result, a short wait before starting the game is to be anticipated.

Server times

Deadlock orbs of Souls

The server in each region has designated opening times, which means you cannot join a match at any time of the day.

Below are the server times for all regions. Please note that the times may vary from Friday to Sunday, so it is important to monitor the servers closely.

North America (ET)

  • Monday to Thursday: 5 pm to 6 am
  • Friday to Sunday: 1 pm to 6 am

Time Zone in Oceania (AEST)

  • Monday to Thursday: 2 pm to 2 am
  • Friday to Sunday: 10 am to 2 am

Europe (BST)

  • Monday to Thursday: 2 pm to 2 am
  • Friday to Sunday: 10 am to 2 am

Asia (Japan Standard Time)

  • Monday to Thursday: 4 pm to 4 am
  • Friday to Sunday: 12 pm to 4 am

South America Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

  • Monday to Thursday: 4 pm to 4 am
  • Friday to Sunday: 12 pm to 4 am

How to Change Regions

If you are unable to play at a specific time due to server closures, or if you wish to join friends from a different region, you will need to switch your region.

To accomplish this, adhere to these instructions:

  1. Head into the main menu and press F7
  2. Copy the command into the game’s dialogue box
  3. Press enter

Following this, the right-hand side region should change on your screen. This will also result in the server times being updated.

Deadlock region change

The codes required for entry are listed below, as they vary depending on the location you want to access.

Region Command
Automatic citadel_region_override -1
North America citadel_region_override 0
Europe citadel_region_override 1
Asia citadel_region_override 2
South America citadel_region_override 3
Oceania citadel_region_override 5

At present, there appears to be no significant drawback to switching servers; however, it is still prudent to exercise caution.

Therefore, this provides the current server status of Deadlock, along with the schedule for each game region’s launch, ensuring you are aware of the precise time you can participate in the exciting journey.

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