When Will Valorant Ranked Return to Console? Beta Reset Explained

Riot Games has made an announcement that the ranked and competitive queues for the Valorant console beta will be temporarily disabled, resulting in a reset of players’ ranks. This will last for a few days.

The competitive queue for the Valorant console beta was opened on June 25, coinciding with the release of patch 9.00. Since then, players have been able to progress through the ranked ladder by facing off against fellow Xbox and PlayStation users.

Ever since, Riot has constantly been making new maps and changes to the console version of Valorant with each patch.

On July 30, Riot Games stated on social media that competitive queues for both PC and console players will be temporarily unavailable starting at 6 AM PT.

The ranked queue for PC players was back up after just an hour, as the downtime was necessary to update Valorant Premier and its other esports offerings.

Unfortunately, console players will have to wait until August 2 at 9 AM PT for the competitive mode to be reinstated. However, it should be noted that this date and time are subject to change at the discretion of Riot.

This article will be revised should the date and time change.

Why the Valorant Console Ranks Will Reset


Riot is cooking something in the background during the competitive queue downtime.

The developer explained that the reset was necessary due to valuable insights they gained during the beta period for the console version of Valorant.

The reason for the downtime may be either the addition of Icebox to ranked play or an increase in the number of players following the beta’s transition from closed to open.

Although Riot did not provide an explanation for these insights or why the console competitive queue was unavailable for several days, PC players were able to queue for ranked after only an hour.

During the period of competition inactivity, console players are still able to participate in Unrated, Quick Play, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and create custom games.

To enhance their gameplay while awaiting the availability of ranked mode, players should ensure they have optimal controller settings for Valorant and experiment with different crosshair options to improve their aim.

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