Who is JOEYKAOTYK? Popular IRL streamer allegedly arrested in Japan after exploring Fukushima ruins

Twitch streamer Joey Khao or JOEYKAOTYK (32), is potentially facing legal consequences following his recent stream in Japan. Known for his IRL streaming and globetrotting content creation, Joey and his friend Michael Gakuran ventured on a risky adventure by visiting a small town located in the Fukushima prefecture of Japan.

In 2011, Fukushima Prefecture faced a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, resulting in a nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This led to the residents’ evacuation, and the plant’s vicinity continues to be a no-entry zone.

However, the streamer and his friend illegally entered abandoned homes, violating trespassing laws. The local authorities were quickly notified and subsequently arrested the two individuals involved.


What happened to JOEYKAOTYK and his friend? Pair was seen illegally entering abandoned buildings

JOEYKAOTYK, known for his exploratory streams, was observed entering deserted buildings in Okuma, a town impacted by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident.

However, according to reports, a viewer possibly alerted the authorities about their location, ultimately resulting in their arrest. At the time of writing (June 23), the stream in question is unavailable on Joey’s Twitch channel. The most recent VOD available for viewing is from four days ago.

The story has attracted attention from Japanese media outlets, with Fukushima TV being among the first to report. They said (translated from Japanese):

“According to police, the two allegedly broke into a closed inn located in the difficult-to-return zone in Okuma Town, Fukushima Prefecture, around 11:20 pm on June 20.”

They also provided further details, stating:

“A person who found a video of the two people entering the inn on SNS reported it to the police, and a police officer who was present found the two people near the scene. He was arrested after corroborating the content of the video that was being distributed.”

JOEYKAOTYK himself is yet to speak on the situation. His latest post on Twitter remains the one announcing his stream in the Fukushima prefecture.

What did the community say?

Despite the VOD being removed from his channel, snippets of his stream circulated online, particularly on Twitter. One user shared some of the clips from his latest stream. Have a look here:


An extended version of the clip was also shared on YouTube. Here it is:

Fans were particularly displeased at the sight of Joey’s shenanigans. Here are some of the notable comments made on Twitter:



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