Who is the father of Kim Maung-mi’s daughter in “Masquerade Girl”? Director’s Secret: This setting is too cruel

(Cover image source: Netflix “Masked Girl”)

(Lei) Everyone will have such a question when watching “Masquerade Girl”.

In the second half of the plot, the middle-aged daughter of Kim Maung-mi (played by Ko Hyun-jung) Kim Mi-mook (played by Shin Ye-seo) appears, but the story never mentions who her father is, because the story focuses on Kim Maung-mi, with her Focusing on sight, it doesn’t seem to matter who the child’s father is.

(Source: Netflix “Masked Girl”)
(Source: Netflix “Masked Girl”)

However, the more unclear the story is, the more the curiosity of the audience will explode, and everyone will start to speculate about Jin Meimei’s father. Director Jin Xun explained this problem indirectly a few days ago. Director Kim actually planted a foreshadowing in the plot, “The beauty is not mentioned because she thinks it doesn’t matter who the father of the child is. The beauty is enough for her child. The story mainly emphasizes the tragedy.”Kim Kyung-ja (played by Lian Huilan)) is eager for her son Zhu Wunan (played by Ahn Jaehong) to be filial, so that his son can give birth to a grandson (daughter). From a certain point of view, even if the granddaughter stands in front of her, she can’t recognize it, and even wants to kill her. This is the greatest tragedy for her.”The indirect mention that Jin Meimei is actually Zhu Wunan’s daughter.

(Source: Netflix “Masked Girl”)

“Masquerade Girl”tells the story of a woman with an ordinary or even ugly face but a devil’s figure “Jin Meimei”. In real life, she is an ordinary office worker who has low self-esteem due to her appearance. She wears a mask every night and spends BJ on the Internet. The live broadcast host “Masquerade Girl”uses hot and sexy dance moves to seduce people. For some reason, she gets involved in unexpected events, and then unfolds a thrilling horror story of “three names, three lives, three murders”! After the show started broadcasting, it has achieved remarkable results and has been listed on Netflix’s global TOP10.


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