Why Chainsaw Man’s Death Devil Could Be the Weakest Primal Fear Devil: An Explanation by Makima

As Part 2 of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man manga series reaches what seems to be its climax, fans are eagerly awaiting the potential appearance of the Death Devil. The current storyline occurs approximately six months before Nostradamus’ prophecy is expected to unfold, and the pacing in Part 2 appears to mirror that of Part 1, indicating it may be nearing its conclusion.

Consequently, enthusiasts are closely examining the Academy saga in the Chainsaw Man manga for every hint related to the final and most formidable of the Four Horsemen Devils. This exploration has sparked numerous fan theories concerning the Death Devil, such as her identity if she has already been introduced, her objectives, and the extent of her powers and abilities.

Given Death’s classification as one of the Four Horsemen Devils and a Primal Fear Devil, many assume she to be the most powerful Devil in the series. However, a line from Makima during the Public Safety Saga may suggest that while she is the most powerful of the Four Horsemen, she could actually be the weakest among the Primal Fears.

Chainsaw Man’s “Four Conclusions” Devils May Indicate Death Devil as the Weakest Primal Fear

In Chainsaw Man chapter 84, Control Devil Makima discusses with Kishibe the implications of Pochita’s ability to erase Devils and the concepts they symbolize from existence. She references various erased entities and clarifies that being a Four Horsemen Devil allows her to remember them. Notably, she mentions that previously there were “four possible conclusions other than death at the end of living beings’ life spans.”

This statement implies that humans and all creatures once had alternatives to death, suggesting that the fear surrounding death was not as prominent before Pochita erased the Devil(s) representing these other conclusions.

This line of reasoning proposes that if chainsaws were not invented until the 1780s, and Pochita is indeed the Chainsaw Devil, then his existence has spanned only about 200 years within the Chainsaw Man universe. Consequently, the Devil(s) representing the other conclusions were eradicated within this timeframe.

This means that death has been the exclusive conclusion for living beings for just over the last two centuries. In contrast, fears such as darkness, falling, and aging (each represented by their own Devils in the series) have existed since the inception of humanity, establishing a longer history of fear.

Given these factors, it seems improbable that Death holds a position as one of the stronger Primal Fear Devils. This is particularly underscored by descriptions in the series indicating that Primal Devils are “particularly ancient.” While Death qualifies as ancient, sharing the fear of mortality with the Four Conclusions Devil(s) may dilute her power.

One might argue that the Death Devil could equal the strength of the other Primal Devils due to being the singular option at the conclusion of life over the past 200-plus years. However, similar to how War Devil Yoru gained a surge of power with the resurgence of war, Death might have gained some strength as well. Despite Yoru’s impressive power increase, she faced near defeat at the hands of Pochita in Chainsaw Man chapter 176.

This scenario hints that any strength boost Death received from Pochita consuming the Four Conclusions Devil(s) might be relatively minimal when weighed against the strengths of other Primal Fear Devils. Nevertheless, these discussions remain speculative until Fujimoto addresses them directly with the introduction of the Death Devil. Amid the current knowledge, there exists a concrete possibility that Death could be the weakest Primal Devil, even though she stands as the strongest Horseman.

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