Why Dragon’s Dogma 2 players advise you not to go out at night

If you’re planning to go out at night in Dragon’s Dogma 2, here are some important things to know that might just save your life.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has many challenges in store for you. Apart from completing dangerous tasks, solving puzzles and constantly checking the health of your pawns, sooner or later you will encounter nighttime in the game, where the atmosphere becomes much more sinister.

Seasoned players know what it’s all about. However, those who have just started the game and try to continue their adventure, regardless of the time of day, may well learn from the experiences of these players.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 players have come together in a Reddit thread titled: “When they say not to go out at night. DON’T GO OUT”, to warn beginners who think they are invincible at night.

PSA: When they say don’t go out at night. DON’T. byu/millybear17 inDragonsDogma2

One player wrote: “I just got back from Harve, with maybe only 5 hours in the game. It’s getting dark just as I leave the beach. I kill two saurians; others arrive. The stamping of their feet still sounds like drums.”

Seeing the testimony, players in the comments couldn’t help but also share what they experienced while attempting to challenge the night.

One player claimed to have found a black dragon in the forest at night: “My character’s heartbeat was echoing across the screen like crazy. I ran away. It was really scary because he came out of nowhere!”

Another player said he learned his lesson the hard way. He mentioned that he “stupidly thought it would be a great idea to walk from Melve to the Capital after a quest to get some extra experience.”

Although it started with a few “easy goblins and harpies” as well as “tough bandits” during the day, things quickly took a much darker turn as the sun set.

“The game decided to show me how badly I messed up by triggering a Battle Royale on me, at one point I found myself in the middle of a huge battle between goblins, harpies and skeletons,” he said. -he explains.

Finally, another player admitted to making the “beginner’s mistake” of ignoring the opportunity to camp before dark. “Now I’m in the middle of a fight with a Cyclops, and I see NOTHING. I also turned down the brightness of my TV because my girlfriend is sleeping… I’m really in a mess.”

Since Dragon’s Dogma 2 only allows you to have one save, players should be especially careful.

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