Why Gojo fans shouldn’t use the 3v1 and Binding Vow arguments against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen

The highly anticipated battle between Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen has captivated fans worldwide. This epic showdown, closely analyzed by devoted viewers, has sparked discussions about fairness and the ultimate outcome. Despite some claims of Sukuna having an unfair advantage, such as the 3v1 situation and the use of Binding Vows, a closer examination of the context and storytelling decisions uncovers the complex dynamics and thematic elements at play.

Gojo, renowned as the most powerful sorcerer, possesses immense strength and unmatched abilities. His reputation has created an invincible presence, influencing his demeanor and fighting style. On the other hand, Sukuna, with his malicious intelligence and strategic thinking, embodies a distinct form of dominance. Their battle is not simply a display of physical power, but a deep examination of brute force versus strategic cunning.

Sukuna and Gojo Face Off in Jujutsu Kaisen: A Clash of Intelligence and Strength

Sukuna and Gojo fought for the first time in season 1 (Image via MAPPA)
Sukuna and Gojo fought for the first time in season 1 (Image via MAPPA)

Sukuna, known for his exceptional intelligence and tactical skills, clearly approached his battle with Gojo with a carefully thought-out plan. Unlike Gojo, who relies mainly on his strength and instinctive fighting techniques, Sukuna recognized the importance of thorough preparation and strategic thinking to have a chance against the formidable “Strongest Sorcerer.”

This juxtaposition of Sukuna’s strategic approach and Gojo’s cocky demeanor is at the core of their clash, emphasizing the notion that intelligence does not always equal strength. Sukuna made thorough preparations for his showdown with Gojo, investing ample time and devising strategies to counter Gojo’s formidable techniques.

Sukuna used Megumi to summon Mahoraga (Image via MAPPA)
Sukuna used Megumi to summon Mahoraga (Image via MAPPA)

Including Me­gumi and Mahoraga in the battle proved to be a strategic decision rather than a desperate one. Sukuna cleverly utilized their unique abilities to gain an advantage and achieve victory. The binding vow between Sukuna and Me­gumi was a crucial part of this plan, as Sukuna was aware of the immense power of Gojo’s Unlimited Void technique and needed to counter it in order to secure a win. Though unconventional, the binding vow ultimately allowed Sukuna to protect himself and ultimately overcome Gojo.

Gojo’s Overconfidence­ and Lack of Preparation

Gojo has been shown to be over-confident from time to time (Image via MAPPA)
Gojo has been shown to be over-confident from time to time (Image via MAPPA)

It is believed by some that Gojo’s loss in the battle against Sukuna was due to his overconfidence and lack of preparation. As the self-proclaimed “Strongest Sorcerer,”Gojo rarely encountered challenging opponents, leading him to underestimate Sukuna’s strength. Unlike Sukuna, Gojo did not rely on extensive planning or the use of Binding Vows, instead relying on his natural abilities and sheer power.

From a storytelling standpoint, Gojo’s downfall, while tragic, could be seen as essential for the advancement of the plot. With the absence of the “Strongest Sorcerer”, Jujutsu Kaisen was able to introduce fresh opportunities, obstacles, and storylines that would have been challenging to delve into had Gojo’s dominating abilities remained.

The absence of an overpowered character like Gojo would allow for the story to delve into different avenues and further develop its characters, resulting in a more dynamic and captivating narrative.


Ryomen Sukuna as shown in the anime (Image via MAPPA)
Ryomen Sukuna as shown in the anime (Image via MAPPA)

Upon initial examination, the arguments for the 3v1 situation and the binding vow against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen may seem convincing. However, a closer look at the events reveals that these criticisms may not hold entirely true. Sukuna’s strategic thinking, meticulous preparation, and understanding of how to neutralize Gojo’s formidable abilities were crucial in his victory.

Additionally, it is possible that Gojo’s own excessive self-assurance and failure to strategize effectively played a role in his defeat. The story of Jujutsu Kaisen effectively showcases that intelligence can sometimes triumph over brute strength, leading followers of Gojo to reconsider their beliefs about this iconic confrontation.

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