Why Himawari, not Boruto should have been the protagonist in the Naruto spin-off, explored

Despite initial criticism, Boruto has become a beloved character in the current manga, stealing the spotlight from others. Ukyo Kodachi’s spin-off series has shown great progress since its debut, with many fans now embracing Boruto as the perfect protagonist for the story.

Some fans argue that Himawari Uzumaki would have been a more unique choice in this scenario, as it would break away from the familiar formula used by Kishimoto in the original manga series. As Naruto’s daughter, Himawari displayed promising talent when she utilized the Gentle Fist on Naruto after her doll was damaged.

If Himawari had been the protagonist of the Naruto spin-off series, the storyline would have been different and she would have been a more suitable choice for the main character.

Notice: This article includes major spoilers from the Boruto manga chapters.

Understanding the Development of Himawari as a Protagonist in the Naruto Spin-Off Series

Naruto's daughter using the Byakugan (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Naruto’s daughter using the Byakugan (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Ukyo Kodachi’s spin-off series focused on Naruto’s son as the main character. Although he is a capable protagonist, there was room for a more unique and refreshing story. The series follows the familiar formula of its predecessor, Naruto. While comparing the two series, it is evident that there are many overlapping elements. However, the protagonists do differ in terms of their personalities.

Despite some differences in their mannerisms, the way they developed as shinobis was quite similar. Additionally, featuring a female lead in a Shonen series would have given the Boruto series a one-of-a-kind plot. With the scarcity of female protagonists in shonen titles, Himawari had the potential to excel with strong character development. The manga has already showcased Himawari possessing all the necessary qualities to become the main character of the series.

Naruto's daughter is the new Nine-Tailed Beast Jinchuriki (Image via Shueisha)
Naruto’s daughter is the new Nine-Tailed Beast Jinchuriki (Image via Shueisha)

In addition to mastering The Gentle Fist technique and possessing the Byakugan, she has also become the Nine-Tailed Beast Jinchuriki. Unlike an average Jinchuriki, she has the incredible power of Kurama within her. Her compatibility with Kurama makes her the perfect host for the Nine-Tailed Beast and she has the potential to surpass even the likes of Naruto Uzumaki, becoming the strongest Nine-Tailed Beast Jinchuriki in history.

Moreover, her kind-hearted nature and defensive nature would make her an exceptional main character. Despite being young, she shows empathy towards others and possesses a strong moral code. This is evident in her interactions with fellow shinobi, especially when her brother is being pursued by the rest of the village. In addition, Himawari’s adaptability on the battlefield is noteworthy. She quickly learns how to harness Kurama’s chakra within a matter of minutes.

Boruto's sister could have been the protagonist of the Naruto spin-off series (Image via Shueisha)
Boruto’s sister could have been the protagonist of the Naruto spin-off series (Image via Shueisha)

Not only did she successfully accomplish that, but she also succeeded in mastering a Tailed Beast Bomb. According to the spoilers of the upcoming chapter, it seems she has put her own spin on the technique by combining the rotational element of her grandfather’s Rasengan. She is proudly carrying on the legacies of Minato and Naruto. These are just a few of the reasons why Himawari would have made an excellent protagonist for the current manga series.

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