Why should you include bird dog crunches in your core exercise regimen?

Why should you include bird dog crunches in your core exercise regimen?

Bird dog crunches are a version of the bird dog exercise, a core-strengthening move that works the glutes, lower back, and abdominals among other muscle groups.

The conventional bird dog exercise is made more abdominally active by performing bird dog crunches.

How are bird dog crunches done?

Core strength (Photo via GMB Fitness/Unsplash)
Core strength (Photo via GMB Fitness/Unsplash)
  • Starting from a kneeling position, place your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  • Draw your belly button nearer your spine to activate your core.
  • Straighten your left leg back behind you and extend your right arm out in front of you. Maintain your shoulders and hips in line with the ground.
  • After your balance is secure in the extended posture, while engaging your abs, bend your right elbow and bring it near your left knee.
  • Maintain the crunch position for a brief period of time while feeling your abs contract.
  • Return to the beginning posture by slowly extending your right arm and left leg.
  • By extending your left arm and right leg and compressing your left elbow toward your right knee, repeat the motion on the other side.
  • For as many times or as long as desired, keep switching sides.
  • Don’t forget to keep your form correct the entire exercise.
  • Maintain your core muscles contracted and try to keep your back from arching or rounding.
  • As you get more accustomed to the exercise, start with a few repetitions and progressively up the difficulty.

What sort of physical activity is the bird-dog?

A well-liked exercise for strengthening the core, bird dog crunches work the glutes, lower back, and abdominals among other muscle groups. It is frequently utilized in many exercise regimens and rehabilitation programs to enhance posture, balance, and core stability.

Dog-bird exercise worked the muscles

Abdominal muscles (Photo via Szabolcs Toth/Unsplash)
Abdominal muscles (Photo via Szabolcs Toth/Unsplash)

The deep abdominal and lower back stabilizing muscles are among the core muscles that are primarily worked during bird dog crunches. It also works a number of different muscle groups all over the body, though.

The following muscles are those primarily used in the bird dog exercise:


To support the trunk and maintain proper alignment throughout the exercise, the transverse abdominis (deep core muscles) and rectus abdominis (six-pack muscles) are engaged.

Lower back

The muscles that run along the spine, known as the erector spinae, are contracted to support and stabilize the lower back.


To keep the hip extended and balance, the glute muscles (gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus) of the buttocks are contracted.

Hip stabilizers

Together with the deep hip rotators, the hip abductor and adductor muscles work to stabilize the hip joint during the movement.

Shoulders and upper back

The deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles of the shoulder girdle aid in stabilizing the upper body and preserving the correct alignment of the shoulders.

Quadriceps and hamstrings

The extended leg is supported by the quadriceps and hamstrings in the front and back of the thighs, respectively.

Bird dog crunches help increase core strength, stability, and general body coordination by working these muscle groups. When done correctly and consistently, it can also help with posture and lower back pain risk reduction.

Bird dog exercise benefits

Abdominal muscles (Photo via Alora Griffiths/Unsplash)
Abdominal muscles (Photo via Alora Griffiths/Unsplash)

The bird dog exercise is beneficial for the body and general fitness in many ways. The following are some of the main advantages of including bird dog crunches in your exercise regimen:

Core strength

The core muscles, which include the abdominals, lower back, and deep stabilizing muscles, are the main goals of the bird dog exercise. You may improve your core strength, stability, and control, all of which are necessary for good posture, balance, and functional motions, by completing bird dog exercises on a regular basis.

Spinal stability

The core muscles, which include the abdominals, lower back, and deep stabilizing muscles, are the main goals of the bird dog exercise. You may improve your core strength, stability, and control, all of which are necessary for good posture, balance, and functional motions, by completing bird dog exercises on a regular basis.

Improved balance and coordination

The requirement to maintain stability while extending and switching your limbs makes the bird dog exercise difficult for balance and coordination. Your proprioception—the knowledge of where your body is in space—may be improved with regular practice, which can also help with balance and coordination throughout a variety of activities.

Posture enhancement

Bird dog crunches can help in improving overall posture because they work the back and core muscles, which are important for maintaining good posture. In order to improve alignment and lessen stress on the spine, these muscles can be strengthened in order to counteract the harmful consequences of extended sitting or bad posture.

Total body engagement

While the core muscles are the primary focus of the bird dog exercise, the glutes, shoulders, and hip stabilizers are also worked.

This exercise encourages total body strength and coordinated muscle activation, which improves overall physical performance and functional fitness.

Rehabilitation and injury prevention

In programs for physical treatment and rehabilitation, the bird dog exercise is frequently used. It can aid in the healing from back injuries, promote overall strength and mobility, and improve spinal stability following surgery.

Bird dog movements can also help prevent future injuries by enhancing body mechanics and strengthening the core.

To maximize the benefits and reduce the risk of injury, always practice bird dog crunches with appropriate form and control. When beginning a new workout program, it is always advised to speak with a healthcare provider or certified fitness trainer if you have any particular health issues or injuries.

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