In the recently premiered MBC Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, which first aired on January 10, the narrative kicks off with Ji Kang-hee, portrayed by Lee Se-young, making her exit from the titular motel. Shortly after, Cheon Yeon-su, played by Na In-woo, rushes to her aid upon receiving her call. The conversation takes a poignant turn when the subject of a teddy bear arises. Ji Kang-hee describes it as a birthday gift for Chun-pil, expressing her disbelief: “Isn’t it ridiculous? It’s the original one. The motel is about to be auctioned, and she gives me a teddy bear worth over 1 million won? I can’t even pay the electricity bill. It’s crazy.”
The dynamic between the characters deepens during a conversation about college when Ji Kang-hee playfully asks, “Yeon-su, will you sleep with me?” She insists, “You think about me all the time. It’s only natural for us.” Cheon Yeon-su is taken aback and counters with, “Don’t say nonsense,” but Ji Kang-hee teases him further, noting his subtle attraction: “You think about me every night. You even have condoms in your wallet.”
In a humorous back-and-forth, Cheon Yeon-su attempts to defend himself, stating, “You gave me promotional motel items, just like you did with your friends. You told me to share them.” Ji Kang-hee provocatively replies, “So there are two in your wallet? Then let’s use them.” A flustered Cheon Yeon-su exclaims, “What’s wrong with you? I’m leaving.” Ji Kang-hee then reveals her insecurities, saying, “After you leave, you’ll meet other girls and fall in love, right? I hope your first time was with me.”
Cheon Yeon-su reacts defensively, saying, “I don’t want to join in your rebellion,” but Ji Kang-hee clarifies, “It’s not about rebellion or curiosity; the first time is always the purest.” This intimate moment culminates in a kiss, prompting Ji Kang-hee to ask, “Do you want to stop?” Cheon Yeon-su hesitates and queries, “Will you stay if we sleep together?”
Without a moment’s pause, Ji Kang-hee responds, “I’ll leave. I’ll go somewhere that doesn’t know I’m different,” to which Cheon Yeon-su gazes at her with affection, saying, “What’s different? You just look pretty to me.” Reiterating her request, Ji Kang-hee asks, “Yeon-su, will you sleep with me?” Ultimately, the two share their first night together, marking a significant moment in their blossoming relationship.
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