Wind Breaker episode 4: Shishitoren vs Bofurin set up as Sakura learns more about Umemiya

The highly-anticipated Spring 2024 anime series continued with the official release of Wind Breaker episode 4 on Thursday, April 25, 2024. This installment brought even more excitement as the Bofurin and the Shishitoren were finally pitted against each other, setting the stage for a tournament-style brawl in the upcoming episode.

In addition to its strong character development for Hajime Umemiya, episode 4 of Wind Breaker also effectively showcases his leadership skills within the Bofurin group. The inclusion of Choji Tomiyama, leader of the Shishitoren group, further highlights the contrasting dynamics between the two groups and provides deeper insight into Umemiya’s character.

Wind Breaker: Episode 4 Sets Up Major Character Development for Umemiya, Toma, and More in Coming Weeks

Summary of the episode

Wind Breaker episode 4 opens with Sakura and co still reporting the situation to Umemiya (Image via CloverWorks)
Wind Breaker episode 4 opens with Sakura and co still reporting the situation to Umemiya (Image via CloverWorks)

Toma Hiragi picked up where the previous episode had left off by informing Hajime Umemiya about the situation with the Shishitoren. As the rest of the group listened in silence, Umemiya acknowledged that he was already aware of the situation but instead diverted the conversation to a problem in his garden. This shed light on why Toma always seemed hesitant to report to him.

After everyone took their seats, Haruka Sakura noted that Umemiya was still held in high regard and had a strong presence. The middle school student then attempted to explain the situation, stating that he had been pursuing a shoplifter and had unintentionally entered Shishitoren territory, causing a confrontation to occur. Sakura and her companions intervened and helped him out.

Wind Breaker episode 4 featured a scene in which Umemiya addressed the student by his name, Sasaki, expressing gratitude for his efforts to protect the town of Furin and its inhabitants. Umemiya then reassured him that his “big brothers”would take care of the rest, and inquired about how the others had rescued him. This revelation caused Umemiya to laugh, leaving Sakura and the others confused. He then asked Sakura if he had initiated the fight, to which Sakura explained in a way that made it clear he had.

Wind Breaker episode 4 saw Sakura praised by Umemiya for his thoughts on and actions toward the Shishitoren (Image via CloverWorks)
Wind Breaker episode 4 saw Sakura praised by Umemiya for his thoughts on and actions toward the Shishitoren (Image via CloverWorks)

Despite agreeing with Sakura’s thoughts and actions, he commended him for his accomplishments since arriving at Furin and even referred to him as a “dependable younger brother.”Sakura then expressed his concern about the burning sensation all over his body and acknowledged that it must be the sense of security he exudes that attracts everyone to him.

The fourth episode of Wind Breaker featured Sakura displaying her tsundere behavior as she argued with Umemiya about their brotherly relationship. Meanwhile, Toma received a call from someone named Kaji regarding the Shishitoren. Suddenly, a voice blared through a megaphone, exposing the leader of the Shishitoren, Choji Tomiyama. He had already defeated multiple Bofurin and was taunting Umemiya to confront him in battle.

Sakura’s excitement grew at the thought of someone even stronger than Jo Togame, but it was quickly replaced by fear as she sensed a powerful fighting spirit behind her. It was soon discovered that Umemiya, who was preparing to battle, was the source of this intensity. Toma, Sakura, Sugishita, and Suo all followed after him, with Nirei close behind.

Jo and the other Shishitoren members come knocking on Bofurin's door in Wind Breaker episode 4 (Image via CloverWorks)
Jo and the other Shishitoren members come knocking on Bofurin’s door in Wind Breaker episode 4 (Image via CloverWorks)

During episode 4 of Wind Breaker, Umemiya instructed the others to remain outside the courtyard, causing Sakura to protest. However, she stopped after Umemiya warned that he wouldn’t repeat himself. Sakura then questioned if this Umemiya was the same person she encountered on the roof, as he approached Tomiyama. In response, Tomiyama eagerly anticipated a fight, but Umemiya surprised them by initiating a conversation and reminding them of the fighting he had already done on his way to the courtyard. He declared this as making them even.

Tomiyama initially agreed before launching a kick at Umemiya, which was successfully defended. Umemiya inquired as to why Tomiyama was so eager to fight, and Tomiyama replied that he desired to specifically face Umemiya. He continued by stating that reaching the top of the Shishitoren seemed mundane, while Umemiya still relished in the pleasures of life, which he deemed unfair. Tomiyama then declared his intention to claim Furin, Umemiya, and everything else for his own happiness.

In episode 4 of Wind Breaker, Umemiya commented on Tomiyama’s difficult situation as Jo Togame and other Shishitoren members arrived. Sakura and the rest of the group stood by Umemiya’s side while Tomiyama attempted to persuade the other members to depart. However, Jo reminded them that the Bofurin were observing from inside the school, causing Umemiya to instruct them not to make any sudden movements.

After accepting Tomiyama’s challenge, Umemiya and Tomiyama decided to postpone it for another day after further discussion. In place of their one-on-one match, Tomiyama proposed a tournament-style team competition involving everyone involved in the current situation. The matchups were then finalized, with the most anticipated being Tomiyama versus Umemiya and Jo versus Sakura.

In episode 4 of Wind Breaker, Kota Sako of the Shishitoren approached Toma and requested to challenge him. Toma’s response implied that they were familiar with each other. Feeling anxious, Nirei joined Sakura, Suo, Sasaki, and Sugishita at Kotoha Tachibana’s cafe, with Sugishita sitting alone. Kotoha reassured him not to be concerned, reminding him that Sakura, Umemiya, and the rest were not easily defeated.

As Umemiya entered the room, he immediately showered Kotoha with affection and referred to her as his little sister. Sakura then inquired for more details, prompting Kotoha to disclose that they both grew up in the same group home. Toma provided additional clarification and expanded on why he had advised Sakura to keep her participation in the recent altercation a secret.

Toma, while watching episode 4 of Wind Breaker, reflects on the past glory of the Shishitoren. He remembers how they were once known as the “devotees to power,”a nickname that held true at the time. However, he mentions that the Bofurin had a fierce altercation with them, leading to gruesome rumors being spread. He also notes that these rumors intensified once Tomiyama became the leader. Despite this, Toma acknowledges that both Tomiyama and Jo have always prioritized the team above all else, with Tomiyama being the catalyst for their transformation.

Umemiya explained that their “conversation,”which was actually a fight, would provide an explanation for why things were the way they were. They then went their separate ways and agreed to reconvene the next day. Sasaki took the opportunity to express his gratitude once again and wish everyone luck for the upcoming meeting. The episode concluded with the group arriving at Shishitoren territory the next day to confront their adversaries.

In review

An aspect that stands out in episode 4 is its strong portrayal of the Shishitoren and Bofurin as distinct groups, particularly with the revelation of their past interactions. The dynamic between Toma and Sako is also expected to further enhance this characterization of the two groups, along with more insight into Tomiyama, who remains a mystery even to Umemiya.

The fourth episode of Wind Breaker also effectively highlights the Bofurin’s role as protectors of the entire Furin community, including middle school students who they have no obligation to. This contrast between the Bofurin and the Shishitoren adds more depth and tension to the upcoming tournament battle between the two factions.

In summation

Episode 4 centers on the development of Hajime Umemiya’s character and delves into the backgrounds of the Bofurin and Shishitoren groups, as well as Umemiya’s connection with Kotoha Tachibana. In the midst of it all, Sakura grows fond of Umemiya despite his idiosyncrasies, indicating a future dynamic of mentor and student between the two characters.

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