Winter from Aespa Faces Hamster Abuse Allegations Amid Cat Controversy

Winter from Aespa Faces Hamster Abuse Allegations Amid Cat Controversy
Winter from Aespa under scrutiny for alleged hamster abuse

On August 31, during a conversation with a fan on Bubble, an idol-fan communication platform, Winter shared her experiences raising hamsters.

She revealed that her hamster journey began with just two animals, which quickly multiplied to 25 due to breeding. Expressing her love for them, Winter remarked, “The babies looked really cute when they were born.”

However, she also noted, “I decided to keep only one hamster because he was sick.” Notably, Winter did not provide further details regarding the fate of the other hamsters, leading many netizens to suspect potential hamster neglect or abuse.

It’s important to highlight that hamsters are solitary creatures that prefer their own space. If one intends to keep multiple hamsters, separate cages are essential. Winter’s account suggests that keeping two hamsters together resulted in a surge to 25.

Prior to this hamster-related controversy, Winter found herself facing backlash over animal treatment due to a video shared on Bubble on August 25, where she handled a cat aggressively, causing the animal distress. In the video, Winter made sudden movements that startled the cat, prompting it to flee.

The recent allegations regarding her hamsters sparked a wave of criticism, with many users commenting, “It seems like she hasn’t researched proper care for hamsters,” “Anyone wanting to keep hamsters should know the basic guidelines,” “What happened to the other 24 hamsters?” and “How many more animal abuse controversies will arise?”

Conversely, a group of supporters came to Winter’s defense, stating, “She may have been unaware of the proper care guidelines due to her young age,” “Did anyone teach elementary students how to care for hamsters?” and “It’s wise to be cautious with what you share on Bubble,” while also adding, “As long as she doesn’t repeat these mistakes, it’s alright.”


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