Wistoria: Wand and Sword Chapter 45, Part 1 – Revealing Serfort’s Surprising Link to Mercedes

Wistoria: Wand and Sword chapter 45 part 1, released on September 9, 2024, unveiled a shocking link between Will Serfort and Mercedes, the magic queen, as Will showcased an unknown spell against Shade, the puppeteer from Gohita.

In the previous chapter, Will Serfort and Lihanna Owenzaus faced off against Shade, who controlled Emma and had murdered Julius Reinberg. Although their combined efforts initially cornered Shade, the dark mage’s surprise tactic turned the battle in her favor.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Wistoria: Wand and Sword chapter 45 part 1.

Wistoria: Wand and Sword chapter 45 part 1: Shade discovers Mercedes inhabiting Will Serfort’s mind

Continuing from the last chapter, Wistoria: Wand and Sword chapter 45 part 1 begins with Lihanna Owenzaus screaming upon seeing an injured Will Serfort.

Kiki is visibly distressed, growling in frustration. Lihanna attempts to break Shade’s magical chains constraining her but realizes they are draining her magical energy.

Shade, as seen in the chapter (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)
Shade, as seen in the chapter (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)

As Lihanna’s strength wanes, she struggles to even wield her wand. Meanwhile, Shade mocks the mages for being outmaneuvered, arrogantly stating she didn’t need assistance to subjugate them. The narrative then shifts to Finn, who is seen preventing a hooded mage from casting a spell towards Will.

It appears that Finn is eager to witness how Will can handle this dire situation. The focus then returns to Shade, who is intent on completing her mission to turn Will into a puppet while dismantling the infernal tower.

Shade mocks Will and Lihanna (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)
Shade mocks Will and Lihanna (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)

Shade acknowledges Will’s impressive display, explaining that executing puppet spells is tedious, as she must delve into the intended puppet’s memories to locate a traumatic event to bind her chains. Control over her puppets cannot be attained without such trauma.

The dark mage recalls Emma’s reaction to her past pains. In a hopeless predicament, Lihanna Owenzaus urges Will Serfort to awaken.

The Dark Mage enters Will's mind (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)
The Dark Mage enters Will’s mind (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)

As Shade casts the spell Berzeme Sique: Mavelus Haller, she dives into Will Serfort’s memories. Upon entering his mind, she encounters fragments of Will’s childhood.

While she discerns some dark elements, Shade probes further to uncover suitable trauma. To her astonishment, she is struck by numerous light-like arrows within Will’s consciousness. Suddenly, she notices flower petals and a shadowy figure seated on a throne.

Mercedes in Will's consciousness (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)
Mercedes in Will’s consciousness (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)

In this chapter, Mercedes—founder of the Mercedes Caulis and the Magic Queen—appears within Will Serfort’s memory. Utilizing her ocular powers, she expels Shade from Will’s consciousness.

Back in the real world, Shade realizes Will has broken her chains and is horrified to see that he has absorbed her spell.

Will Serfort demonstrates a forbidden spell (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)
Will Serfort demonstrates a forbidden spell (Image via Fujino Omori/Kodansha)

The chapter concludes with Will Serfort’s right eye displaying the same markings as Mercedes’s, as he unleashes a forbidden dark magic spell, Melgitor, obliterating Shade.

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