World of Warcraft update 10.1.5 added new public Time Rifts events. This means players can unlock various new cosmetics, mounts, and pets by participating. It may take a long time to unlock everything, but there are 7 new vendors in Tyrhold, each offering unique, thematic gear. These items are based on alternate timelines of WoW, so they will all be worth having.
However, it’s important to note that none of the Time Rifts vendor items are useful in combat. It’s all cosmetics, tabards, pets, and mounts except for the occasional trinket. This ensures that the event is done because players want to do it and not because it’s required to power up for new World of Warcraft content.
What are Time Rifts in World of Warcraft?
This new content arrived in patch 10.1.5. When Time Rifts are open, players hop through portals and defeat various enemies across alternate World of Warcraft timelines. As you do this, you’ll unlock some amazing rewards, as well as Paracausal Flakes.
Paracausal Flakes are the currency you need to take back to the Time Rift vendors in World of Warcraft, which will conveniently be nearby. The 7 Time Rifts vendors are found in Tyrhold Reservoir, at coordinates 51.11, 56.67.
What rewards are available from the Time Rift vendors in World of Warcraft?
Each of the timelines players enter features a different reality as it pertains to World of Warcraft. These will also have their own unique items to unlock, which you can see below. Whether mounts or battle pets, it’s worth exploring to unlock these items.
The Azmourne Time Rift represents the future that would have happened if the Scourge overran Azeroth instead of being ultimately defeated in World of Warcraft.
Azmourne items (Baron Silver)
- Reins of the Scourgebound Vanquisher (3,000): Flying mount
- Northern Ballista (1,050): Crossbow transmog
- Bonegale Greataxe (1050): Two-handed axe transmog
- Blighted Greatbow (1050): Bow transmog
- Scourge Victorious Tabard (1,500): Tabard
- Upraised Headstone (1,000): One-handed mace transmog
- Frostspire (1,050): Staff transmog
- Plague-Touched Stave (1,050): Staff Transmog
- Cursed Blade of the Scourge (1,000): One-handed Sword transmog
- Paracausal Fragment of Frostmourne (1,750): Trinket
- Ebon Blade Commendation Badge (4,000): Increases your Reputation with the Knights of the Ebon Blade by 520.
- N’Ruby (2,750): Battle Pet
In the A.Z.E.R.O.T.H. timeline, King Mechagon activated his doomsday device, destroying all of Azeroth’s organic life. This means the machines ultimately won in World of Warcraft in this Time Rift.
A.Z.E.R.O.T.H items (Gill the Drill)
- Killbot 9000 (2,750): Battle Pet
- Energetic Power Knife (1,000): Dagger transmog
- Clockwork Mallet (1,000): One-handed mace transmog
- Order-Powered Mechblade (1,000): One-handed sword transmog
- Energy Projection Regulator (1,000): Wand transmog
- Overclocked Hand Cannon (1,050): Gun transmog
- Defect Retirement Tool (1,050): Two-handed sword transmog
- Steel-Lined Locking System (1,000): Shield transmog
- Perfected Juggernaut (3,000): Ground mount
- Paracasual Fragment of Val’anyr (1,750): Trinket
- Rustbolt Resistance Insignia (1,000): Increases your reputation by 100 with the Rustbolt Resistance
Azmerloth is more or less the same timeline as traditional World of Warcraft. However, somewhere along the line, the only race that inhabits the world are Murlocks in this TIme Rift.
Azmerloth items (Sir Finley Mrrgglton)
- Paracasual Fragment of Thunderfin, Humid Blade of the Tideseeker (1,750): Trinket
- Gill’dan (2,750): Battle Pet
Azewrath is a dark future, where the Burning Legion won the War of the Ancients. This means that demons control Azeroth, and the races that fought in the War have been soundly defeated.
Azewrath items (Falara Nightsong)
- Doomrubble (2,750): Battle Pet
- Jagged Treason (1,000): Warglaive transmog
- Fel-Ridden Divider (1,050): Two-handed axe transmog
- Demonic Bone-Crusher (1,050): Two-handed mace transmog
- Branded Greatmaul (1,050): Two-handed mace transmog
- Fel-Infused Polearm (1,050): Polearm transmog
- Inferana Rod (1,050): Staff transmog
- Heart-Slicer (1,050): Two-handed sword transmog
- Paracausal Fragment of Azzinoth (1,750): Trinket
- Felstorm Dragon (3,000): Flying mount
- Legionfall Insignia (2,500): Increases your reputation by 250 with the Armies of Legionfall
In the Azq’roth Time Rift, the Black Empire was never defeated. The power of the Old Gods was never curtailed, and the planet is desolate and dead. It’s one of the more grim futures that could have happened in World of Warcraft.
Azq’roth items (Provisioner Qorra)
- Jeepers (2,750): Battle Pet
- Sulfur Hound’s Leash (3,000): Ground mount
- Pauldrons of the Fire Lord (1,100): Shoulder transmog – Ragnaros shoulders from the Firelands
- Serrated Parasite (1,000): Dagger transmog
- Consuming Claws (1,000): Fist Weapon transmog
- Heretical Gavel (1,000): One-handed mace transmog
- Unknown Horror’s Arm (1,000): One-handed sword transmog
- Its Focused Gaze (1,050): Staff transmog
- Subjugator’s Shield (1,000): Shield transmog
- Paracausal Fragment of Sulfuras (1,750): Trinket
- Rajani Insignia (2,500): Increases reputation with Rajani by 250
In the Warlands Time Rift, the Alliance and Horde never came together to battle against greater threats. Instead, the rift between the two sides grew, and war only escalated between them in World of Warcraft.
Warlands items (Warden Krizzik)
- Obsidian Warwhelp (2,750): Battle Pet (Both Factions)
Warlands items (Alliance Only)
- Reins of the Ravenous Black Gryphon (3,000): Flying mount
- Jingoist’s Slicer (1,000): One-handed axe transmog
- Paracausal Fragment of Shalamayne (1,750): Trinket
- Jingoist’s Robe (1,750): Cloth chest transmog
- Jingoist’s Leggings (1,750): Cloth legs transmog
- Jingoist’s Hood (1,750): Cloth helm transmog
- Jingoist’s Cloth Gear Bag (1,000): Cloth waist and feet transmog
- Jingoist’s Cloth Equipment Bag (1,000): Cloth hand and wrist transmog
- Jingoist’s Cloth Armor Bag (1,000): Cloth shoulder and cloak transmog
- Jingoist’s Cuirass (1,750): Leather chest transmog
- Jingoist’s Pantaloons (1,750): Leather legs transmog
- Jingoist’s Headcover (1,750): Leather helm transmog
- Jingoist’s Leather Gear Bag (1,000): Leather waist and feet transmog
- Jingoist’s Leather Equipment Bagt (1,000): Leather hand and wrist transmog
- Jingoist’s Leather Armor Bag (1,000): Leather shoulder and cloak transmog
- Jingoist’s Chainmail (1,750): Mail chest transmog
- Jingoist’s Legguards (1,750): Mail legs transmog
- Jingoist’s Casque (1,750): Mail helm transmog
- Jingoist’s Mail Gear Bag (1,000): Mail waist and feet transmog
- Jingoist’s Mail Equipment Bag (1,000): Mail hand and wrist transmog
- Jingoist’s Mail Armor Bag (1,000): Mail shoulder and cloak transmog
- Jingoist’s Breastplate (1,750): Plate chest transmog
- Jingoist’s Legplates (1,750): Plate legs transmog
- Jingoist’s Greathelm (1,750): Plate helm transmog
- Jingoist’s Plate Gear Bag (1,000): Plate waist and feet transmog
- Jingoist’s Plate Equipment Bag (1,000): Plate hand and wrist transmog
- Jingoist’s Plate Armor Bag (1,000): Plate shoulder and cloak transmog
- Stormwind Insignia (50): Increases reputation with Stormwind by 5
Warlands items (Horde only)
- Horn of the White War Wolf (3,000): Ground mount
- Warmonger’s Ripper (1,000): One-handed axe transmog
- Paracausal Fragment of Doomhammer (1,750): Trinket
- Warmonger’s Robe (1,050): Cloth chest transmog
- Warmonger’s Robe (1,750): Cloth chest transmog
- Warmonger’s Leggings (1,750): Cloth legs transmog
- Warmonger’s Skullcap (1,750): Cloth helm transmog
- Warmonger’s Cloth Gear Bag (1,000): Cloth waist and feet transmog
- Warmonger’s Cloth Equipment Bag (1,000): Cloth hand and wrist transmog
- Warmonger’s Cloth Armor Bag (1,000): Cloth shoulder and cloak transmog
- Warmonger’s Cuirass (1,750): Leather chest transmog
- Warmonger’s Pantaloons (1,750): Leather legs transmog
- Warmonger’s Headcover (1,750): Leather helm transmog
- Warmonger’s Leather Gear Bag (1,000): Leather waist and feet transmog
- Warmonger’s Leather Equipment Bag (1,000): Leather hand and wrist transmog
- Warmonger’s Leather Armor Bag (1,000): Leather shoulder and cloak transmog
- Warmonger’s Chainmail (1,750): Mail chest transmog
- Warmonger’s Legguards (1,750): Mail legs transmog
- Warmonger’s Casque (1,750): Mail helm transmog
- Warmonger’s Mail Gear Bag (1,000): Mail waist and feet transmog
- Warmonger’s Mail Equipment Bag (1,000): Mail hand and wrist transmog
- Warmonger’s Mail Armor Bag (1,000): Mail shoulder and cloak transmog
- Warmonger’s Breastplate (1,750): Plate chest transmog
- Warmonger’s Legplates (1,750): Plate legs transmog
- Warmonger’s Greathelm (1,750): Plate helm transmog
- Warmonger’s Plate Gear Bag (1,000): Plate waist and feet transmog
- Warmonger’s Plate Equipment Bag (1,000): Plate hand and wrist transmog
- Warmonger’s Plate Armor Bag (1,000): Plate shoulder and cloak transmog
- Orgrimmar Insignia (50): Increases reputation with Stormwind by 5
Ulderoth is the final Time Rift in World of Warcraft and is a utopian future. In this timeline, the Titans established Order with an iron fist. Any corruption was immediately dealt with, so things were perfect as far as the Titans were concerned.
Ulderoth items (Sorotis)
- Gold-Toed Albatross (3,000): Flying mount
- Briarhorn Hatchling (2,750): Battle Pet
- Paracausal Fragment of Seschenal (1,750): Trinket
- Utopian Tabard (1,500): Tabard
- Ensemble: Decorous Garments (2,500): Cloth Ensemble
- Ensemble: Hauberk of Discipline (2,500): Mail Ensemble
- Ensemble: Valhalas Ceremonial Armor (2,500): Plate Ensemble
- Valhalas Peacekeeper (1,000): One-handed axe transmog
- Hand of Order (1,000): Fist weapon transmog
- Titan Watcher’s Shortblade (1,000): One-handed sword transmog
- Valhalas Heartstriker (1,050): Polearm transmog
- Titanic Hourglass (1,000): Off-hand transmog
It will take a great deal of time to unlock all these items in World of Warcraft’s Time Rifts, but it will give players a huge assortment of cosmetics, mounts, and so much more. There is still plenty of time before patch 10.1.7, so there’s no rush to unlock all the items.
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