WoW Players Angry with Poorly Designed Flying Mounts in The War Within

Flying is typically considered one of the most enjoyable elements of exploration in World of Warcraft. However, the recent release of The War Within has caused frustration among players due to a bug that caused disruptive problems with this feature.

According to players, the bug results in mounts automatically adjusting themselves while flying. The desired behavior when flying is for the mount to slightly tilt downwards for increased speed and easier landing. However, the bug causes the mount to either level itself with the ground or pull the player down completely.

The release of The War Within on World of Warcraft was met with criticism from players on the game’s subreddit, citing a “janky”experience while flying due to a bug triggered when taking off from a body of water. To avoid any issues with your mount, it is recommended to be on solid ground before mounting your dragon.

It appears that this issue has caused a great deal of frustration among players, with one even stating, “Yes, I have noticed this and it is quite unpleasant.”Another player also shared their experience, saying, “I have also encountered this problem, and it has caused me to crash multiple times.”

Is anyone elses flying mount being forced to level off? byu/drflanigan inwow

A few users believed that the issue was related to their peripherals, with one of them saying, “I initially thought my new mouse was the problem, but I haven’t experienced any other problems with it.”

On the other hand, the difference in how mounts behave when taking off from a water surface may also be linked to character behavior. This is due to the fact that when players resurface after diving, the game automatically positions them at the water’s surface since flying straight into the air is not possible.

It is possible that this particular mechanic has also affected mounts, although this should not be the case. It is currently unknown whether Blizzard is aware of this issue and actively working on a solution.

In the event that the developers do patch it out in the future, we will provide you with the required information through an update.

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