WoW Players Call for an End to the Horde and Alliance Split in LFG

The foundation of World of Warcraft lies in the never-ending battle between the Horde and Alliance, the two dominant factions in the game. While there have been changes throughout the years, players now believe it is time to be able to unite with their supposed adversaries.

As time went on, new existential threats arose in WoW history, prompting the Horde and Alliance to join forces. This has led to a more amicable relationship between the two factions, with peace now prevailing (excluding BfA.)

Despite this, a large portion of the community believes that certain outdated limitations should be removed. One example is the faction restriction on LFG, where players can only team up with members of their own faction unless they manually form a group and travel to the dungeon entrance.

In a post on Reddit addressing the issue, a player pointed out LFG and the inability to communicate with the opposing faction through text chat as potential areas that could be improved.

What’s the point of no cross-faction LFG and talking? byu/Psychological-Monk30 inwow

Despite Blizzard’s explanation that the reason for not implementing cross-faction LFG was to avoid upsetting players who do not wish to interact with the opposite faction in instances, there was widespread agreement among many. One individual even stated, “I completely agree with Blizzard on this.”

“Therefore, due to the potential dissatisfaction of four players worldwide, we are currently unable to participate in LFR, Random Heroics, or Timewalking with our friends and communities who have characters on the opposing faction. Hopefully, this restriction will be lifted in the near future.”

Another individual expressed a desire to eliminate the division entirely, stating, “I would be content with completely getting rid of the factions. I have no issues with the large number of Horde savages and would have no problem sharing capitals and other resources.”

One potential concern that could arise is the inclusion of faction-specific quests in current dungeons. For example, The Stockades would have varying outcomes depending on the faction being played. This would need to be resolved before implementing any significant alterations.

Despite the community’s feelings, the developer has not hinted at any plans to make a change like the one mentioned above. The War Within is scheduled to be released on August 26, and it is unlikely that we will see it upon its initial launch.

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