WoW’s Shaman Community Concerns Ahead of New Release

The expansive class system in World of Warcraft has always posed a challenge in satisfying all players. This ongoing issue continues as Shaman players voice their dissatisfaction prior to the launch of The War Within expansion.

The War Within is the first of three expansions that will bring significant changes to WoW. These changes will greatly impact the appearance of most classes when it is released. Additionally, all classes will have access to new Hero Talent trees, which are designed to enhance the existing specialization system.

Furthermore, there will also be the customary adjustments and alterations to current abilities. Regrettably, players who favor the Shaman class have started expressing their growing dissatisfaction with the proposed changes. Specifically, this pertains to the perceived neglect of Shamans in the changes observed thus far in the Alpha and Beta stages of The War Within.

On Reddit, a user posted a comical rundown of the most and least favorable changes to the Shaman class in the current alpha and beta versions. The post only included a single item and encouraged others to chime in with their opinions.

Every single shaman change for the alpha, beta, and prepatch PTR ranked from best to worst. byu/PKCarwash inwow

Despite the OP’s offer, there were still many who were quick to respond. One individual shared their experience, stating, “I previously commented that Shaman shouldn’t panic as there was still ample time before pre-patch, but I received numerous downvotes. I now understand that my optimism was unfounded and the downvotes were warranted.”

“Others also shared their frustrations, stating that they had previously made lighthearted complaints after the initial release of the first and second Alpha versions. However, they were met with criticism and downvotes, being told to relax and remember that it was only the beginning of the Alpha stage. Now, their concerns do not seem like a joke.”

Another individual seized the opportunity to voice their criticism of developer Blizzard, stating, “The incompetence of the developers is astounding. No class should have to endure the struggles that shamans have faced during this expansion cycle. It is imperative that Blizzard thoroughly re-evaluates their class development process, as it is clearly flawed.”

Whatever the outcome may be for Shaman, it is evident that players are eager for Blizzard to make more significant updates. While other classes are receiving substantial changes, the community appears to be relatively quiet in comparison.

The expansion will be released on August 22 for Early Access players and on August 26 for all other players.

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