Wuthering Waves Fandom Divided Over New Mascot Abby

The long-awaited release of Wuthering Waves 1.1 has been met with a highly favorable response from the fanbase. The majority agree that the enhancements to the story, dialogue, music, and environment have greatly improved the game. However, the introduction of a new character, Abby, who is a furry floating character, has sparked debate among Genshin veterans and divided the fandom.

In Wuthering Waves 1.1, the ending scenes featured a memorable moment where the MC’s hand released a small creature to consume the Echo during the fight against the Dreamless. However, the creature quickly falls asleep. This same creature, known as Abby, reappears in Wuthering Waves 1.1 and introduces itself. While some may see this as a harmless addition to the story, others have raised concerns about its implications for the future.

A Reddit post titled “I Hate this Thing”(referring to Abby) has quickly gained over 1.2k Upvotes and sparked a lot of conversation within the community. It seems that players all share similar reactions to this fluffy floating creature, which has managed to take over all the story scenes it appeared in.

Some may wonder why there is such a strong reaction to this situation. It is due to the frustration with Paimon, the companion of the MC in Genshin Impact, who constantly speaks for the MC and repeats simple information as if players were children. As a result, those who switched to WuWa for a fresh storyline are now worried.

Despite some players’ claims, it has been pointed out that comparing Abby to Paimon is not a fair comparison for several reasons. In a discussion defending Abby’s character, players agreed that while Abby’s banter may be endearing, it cannot compare to the overwhelming annoyance caused by Paimon. This sentiment was echoed in a pro-Abby thread where players stated, “It may have had some cute moments, but it is nowhere near as aggravating as Paimon’s constant chatter. We all know the struggle of Paimon-induced PTSD.”

A comprehensive checklist has been compiled by certain players and is being circulated, effectively summarizing the entire conversation.

Comparison Paimon Abby
Is tiny Yes Yes
Floats Yes Yes
High pitch voice Yes Yes
Annoying Yes Yes
Eats a lot Yes Yes
Overconfident and arrogant Yes Yes
Talks for the MC Yes No
Is a furry No Yes
Paimon vs Abby comparison

We can eagerly anticipate future story quests and see how much Abby will be a part of them before determining if it will be a disaster on par with Paimon. What is your opinion on the inclusion of Abby in Wuthering Waves? Do you believe it was a well-thought-out choice or simply a convenient solution for the game’s storytelling?

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