X-Men ’97 Season 1: Understanding the Ending and its Key Characters

After the intense and emotional events of Episode 10, here is a comprehensive breakdown of what you need to know about the ending of Season 1 of X-Men ’97, including information on En Sabah Nur, Askani, and other important details.

Despite their best efforts, the X-Men were faced with a dire situation following Episode 9. Magneto initiated a countdown towards an extinction-level event by unleashing a massive electro-magnetic assault on Earth, while Jean Grey appeared to be killed by Cable at the hands of Mister Sinister. To make matters worse, Wolverine was left without his adamantium frame as it was stripped from his bones.

Recently, the finale of the first season’s three-part series was released on Disney Plus. Beau DeMayo, the head writer, described it as a challenging episode to write. This is understandable as it showcases the intense dynamic between Magneto and Charles Xavier, as they join forces to protect humanity against the mutants.

Although it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed by all the events and characters in the X-Men ’97 finale, know that you are not alone. We are here to provide you with all the information you need.

X-Men ’97 Episode 10 Ending Explained

One of the final shots of X-Men 97 Episode 10

The tenth episode of X-Men ’97 concludes with Magneto regaining control of his actions and successfully preventing Asteroid M from destroying Earth. However, the team is now scattered throughout time, with some members finding themselves in the distant past and others in the future. Meanwhile, Apocalypse makes his presence known in the present day by arriving in Genosha.

The episode begins with Professor X taking control of Magneto’s mind in order to undo his EMP attack. Although the attempt is successful, it causes damage to Magneto’s psyche. As a result, the majority of the episode follows Xavier’s efforts to assist him in rediscovering his true self.

Despite Wolverine’s absence, the X-Men continue to face ongoing challenges. As the team remains in space, Storm, Cable, and Beast must confront Bastion and his sentinels, who are causing chaos worldwide. However, Jean Grey arrives as the mighty Phoenix, defeating all of the sentinels and reversing the effects of Mister Sinister’s stolen DNA, leaving him powerless and elderly.

Despite initially gaining the upper hand, Bastion’s victory is short-lived as he proceeds to tear off Cable’s arm and utilize it to enhance his armor and acquire wings. With his newfound powers, he sets off to the asteroid and makes an attempt to destroy its gravity core in order to bring it crashing down to Earth. This leads to a fierce battle against the X-Men, until reinforcements in the form of Beast and his team arrive and defeat Bastion with the help of a colossal sentinel.

Despite Bastion’s immense strength, it was not enough to overcome the Sentinel’s boot. However, Cyclops intervened and attempted to reason with his opponent, appealing to his humanity. He delayed the fight, giving the United Nations the opportunity to launch their Magneto Protocols and damage the asteroid’s gravity core. Eventually, Cyclops bravely flew out to an uncertain fate, with the possibility of his survival still uncertain.

Despite the X-Men’s best efforts to prevent it, the asteroid hurtles towards Earth. However, it is only Magneto who possesses the abilities necessary to save the world. With Xavier’s assistance, he is able to regain control of his body and prevent the extinction of mankind.

Although there is a price to pay, Rogue, Magneto, Beast, Nightcrawler, and Xavier find themselves transported to ancient Egypt in 3000 BC, where they encounter En Sabah Nur; while Cyclops and Jean journey to 3960 AD, where they encounter Mother Askani; and Apocalypse arrives in present-day Genosha, where he acquires Gambit’s card.

Who is En Sabah Nur?

And Sabah Nur, aka Apocalypse, in X-Men '97 Episode 10

Apocalypse, also known as En Sabah Nur, is an ancient supervillain and one of the most iconic enemies of the X-Men. He is considered to be the first mutant in the world, having been born in Egypt thousands of years ago.

If you have only seen the X-Men movies or only remember Apocalypse from the original series, you may notice a difference in his appearance in Episode 10. He is not wearing his typical armor, but he is still incredibly muscular and wielding a spear as he effortlessly defeats all of his enemies.

The animated series was his debut outside of the X-Men comics, with his voice originally provided by John Colicos and now portrayed by Ross Marquand. Without delving into too much information, he enlisted mutants as his Horsemen with the assistance of Mystique, and attempted to spark a conflict between humans and mutants.

Despite his lengthy and complicated comic backstory, there are some key facts to keep in mind: his entire persona revolves around the concept of “survival of the fittest,”making him intolerant of those he deems weak; he was most recently spotted inhabiting Fabian Cortez’s body on the astral plane; and it is highly probable that the conclusion of the story is laying the groundwork for the Age of Apocalypse plotline.

Post-credits Scene with Apocalypse Explained

Apocalypse in X-Men '97

In the final scene after the credits of X-Men ’97 Episode 10, Apocalypse is seen arriving in Genosha and retrieving Gambit’s card. He remarks with a smile, “My children, there has been so much suffering and loss.”

This strongly suggests a major development for Season 2: Gambit will be making a comeback… but as Death, one of Apocalypse’s Horsemen. In the comics, this initially involves a scheme to deceive Apocalypse and operate as a double agent, but the metamorphosis greatly impacts his physical and emotional well-being… and that’s all we’ll reveal for now.

One fan on Reddit commented, “Be sure to stay for the after credits scene for some exciting speculation about Gambit’s return as the Horseman of Death.”

“It’s essentially been confirmed at this point. Someone might as well have announced that Gambit will be returning,”one person commented. “GAMBIT!!!!! DEATH!!!”another exclaimed.

Mother Askani

Mother Askani in X-Men 97

In the comics, Mother Askani is revealed to be Rachel Summers, the daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey from an alternate timeline. She plays a crucial role in the Days of Future Past storyline.

In the comics, the events are quite convoluted, but the main points are as follows: Rachel gave up her life to protect Captain Britain, causing her to be split into two versions and sent through time. One ended up in the distant future, while the other was stranded in the 37th century after Apocalypse’s takeover. This latter version is the one who will appear in X-Men ’97.

Following the revelation that she is the “Lost Child of the Twelve,”a descendant of the mutants who battled Apocalypse, she united a group of followers and formed Clan Askani, which translates to “family of outcasts.”

Therefore, what is the connection to X-Men ’97? In a previous episode, we witnessed Bishop bringing Cable, Nathan Summers, who is the son of Cyclops and Jean (although he is actually Madelyne Prior’s child, but that is not relevant at the moment), into the future. This is the exact location where Bishop took him, which leads us to anticipate more time-travel shenanigans in the upcoming season.

Possible Changes:

– What to Expect in Season 2 of X-Men ’97
– Speculations for X-Men ’97 Season 2
– Predictions for the Next Season of X-Men ’97
– The Future of X-Men ’97: Season 2
– Anticipating the Second Season of X-Men ’97
– Exploring Possibilities for X-Men ’97 Season 2
– Unveiling the Potential of X-Men ’97 Season 2
– Upcoming Developments in X-Men ’97 Season 2
– What Lies Ahead in X-Men ’97 Season 2?
– A Look into the Second Season of X-Men ’97

Onslaught from Marvel comics
Marvel Comics

Although the X-Men are expected to battle Apocalypse, Death, and his potential recruits for the Horsemen, certain fans speculate that Season 2 may foreshadow the introduction of Onslaught.

In the tenth episode, Xavier was compelled to enter Magneto’s mind in order to assist him in finding his true identity. In the comic books, a comparable scenario results in Magneto’s darker characteristics seeping into Xavier’s consciousness, ultimately giving rise to a distinct and self-aware persona.

According to a user on Reddit, “Onslaught would be an excellent crossover for the animated shows as it introduces the FF and Avengers.”Another user added, “In my opinion, it was a good decision to use the Onslaught storyline as a red herring. There are much more interesting storylines to explore.”

X-Men ’97 is currently available for streaming on Disney Plus, but what is the status of Spider-Man ’98?

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