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XDefiant June 18 Update Patch Notes

XDefiant June 18 Update Patch Notes

The XDefiant June 18 update, also known as patch Y1S0.4, has arrived with minor adjustments and bug fixes. The game will experience a brief downtime during the update. Below are the complete patch notes for this latest release of XDefiant.

In response to the major June 12 update that introduced highly-requested gameplay changes, Ubisoft has now released a new patch for XDefiant.

The developers have consistently released patches and taken into account player feedback as they prepare for the launch of Season 1.

To continue, presented below are the complete patch notes for the XDefiant patch Y1S0.4.

XDefiant Y1S0.4 Update Patch Notes

According to the official notes, Ubisoft has implemented a variety of changes to XDefiant with the Y1S0.4 patch. The changes can be found in a list below.


  • Sped up the process of unlocking weapon attachments by lowering the amount of XP needed to level up your primary weapon, from 3,500 to 3,000, and your secondary weapon, from 1,500 to 1,000. This change is retroactive, meaning your existing weapon levels will likely be even higher now.
  • Despite the faster access to performance-enhancing attachments, Weapon Mastery level requirements have been raised to add a greater level of difficulty for the community. Nonetheless, players who have already attained Bronze/Silver/Gold skins will retain them.

What is Netcode?

  • We have made enhancements to the speed at which your health responds when taking damage, resulting in a decreased sensation of being shot from behind walls.


  • Players wielding the MDR while strutting around in the Firestorm skin were experiencing an abnormal level of recoil, which has been reset to normal recoil.


  • The Medico Supremo ultra from Libertad no longer keeps players standing after dying, restoring the expected decorum of lying down.

Other Information

  • Further improvements have been made to fix crashes.

The above paragraph contained the complete patch notes for XDefiant patch Y1S0.4.

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