XDefiant Players Frustrated with Recent Changes to Progression System and Camo Grind

On June 18, XDefiant released an update that implemented numerous changes to the weapon leveling progression, which had been heavily requested by players. However, some players have expressed frustration over these modifications as they have made the camo grind more challenging.

XDefiant offers players a diverse selection of weapons to choose from, as well as a vast selection of attachments to enhance their gameplay. Ever since the game’s release, players have been requesting that the developers improve the sluggish weapon progression.

The update on June 18 aimed to tackle this issue by reducing the total XP needed for unlocking weapon attachments for both primary and secondary weapons, resulting in a faster process.

Despite the change being “retroactive,”players’ current weapon levels will now be lower than they were before the update. This resulted in complaints about the overall adjustment to weapon progression, particularly from those who enjoy the challenge of earning Mastery Camos, as the requirements have also been increased.

xdefiant phantom faction character aiming gun

XDefiant’s guns have over 150 levels to go through.

In a recent post on XDefiant’s official Twitter account, Executive Producer Mark Rubin stated that the upcoming change is aimed at improving the overall engagement of the game’s system. This will involve balancing the leveling process for increased speed and providing players with easier access to attachments, while still offering completionist players a challenge to obtain the highly coveted Mastery camos.

Under the post, a player commented, “Having 100 levels was already insane, so I don’t believe increasing the level for mastery camo would be enjoyable for anyone. At this pace, players would not be able to achieve mastery.”

Some players also expressed frustration with feeling like their time had been wasted. One player shared, “As someone who has been tirelessly grinding all the guns since launch, it’s disappointing to now have to go back and re-level them after almost completing all the primary weapons.”

Despite the generally positive response to the increased speed of leveling up weapons, some players were critical of the changes made to the Mastery camo and weapon level system. One player pointed out, “While it’s great to be able to earn attachments faster, the increased grind for mastery camo was not something that was requested.”

Mark Rubin stated that they will continue to assess these modifications and take into account players’ feedback, whether it is positive or negative. Despite the fact that weapon progression has become quicker, the revised requirements for Mastery camos and weapon levels have not met the players’ expectations.

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