Yong Jun-hyung Addresses Burning Sun Controversy, Denies Involvement in Group Chat

On June 12th, Yong Jun-hyung took to his personal SNS account and shared a lengthy post, stating “I was undeniably foolish and in the wrong during that time.”

After his departure from HIGHLIGHT, Yong Jun-hyung explained, “Amidst facing intense criticism, I found myself unable to rectify the situation and unsure of the right course of action. Fearing the potential harm to both the company and my fellow members, I made the difficult decision to leave. Despite knowing that it would mean losing everything I had worked hard to build in a place that held great significance to me for countless years, I knew it was the best choice.”

Yong Jun Hyung

In regards to the Burning Sun Scandal, he stated that he received a video via individual message with a black screen and pressed it without any explanation. He admitted that he was unaware of the video’s content or the sender’s intentions until after he had watched it. He then acknowledged that he could have intervened and spoken out against the content, but he failed to do so and instead chose to brush it off.

Yet, he reiterated that he had never been a part of any group chat or involved in the incident that he refused to even mention.

Yong Jun-hyung admitted to his unfair treatment, stating that for years, numerous individuals and the media had accused him of being involved in the case, claiming that he was a member of a group chat or viewed illegal videos. Despite speaking out against these false allegations, he was still wrongly linked to them. Due to his reluctance to revisit old issues, he chose to ignore them and let them go.

Finally, he expressed, “Despite the pain and emotional wounds inflicted upon me, I will strive to control myself and persevere through it all. I pray that those important to me, such as my family, loved ones, and devoted fans, who have stood by me through my shortcomings, will not be hurt.”He also acknowledged, “I will take a hard look at my past mistakes, foolish behaviors, and words, and make a conscious effort to mature and grow each day.”

burning sun

When news of the Burning Sun Scandal first emerged in 2019, it was discovered that Jung Joon-young had sent Yong Jun-hyung illegally recorded videos back in 2015. Despite initially denying any involvement in the scandal, Yong Jun-hyung eventually decided to withdraw from HIGHLIGHT.

Upon reflecting on his past actions during the investigation, Yong Jun-hyung shared on his personal SNS account, “I was filled with shame as I reviewed my past conversations. In order to avoid causing further harm to my fans and fellow members, I have made the decision to leave HIGHLIGHT, effective March 14th, 2019.”

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