Yongsan District Accidentally Reveals Identity of Fan Who Sent Truck Demanding Suga Leave BTS

On August 17, a member of the fan group that had organized the truck and wreath protest calling for Suga’s departure announced that their personal information had been unintentionally revealed by the Yongsan District office. This occurred after the office accidentally leaked personal information of several members of the protesting group.

From the information that has been made public, it has been revealed that the Yongsan District office committed a grave mistake in safeguarding the data, resulting in the exposure of the identities of the individuals participating in the protest. The person responsible is currently working with the authorities to take necessary actions in order to prevent any further repercussions and handle the matter at hand.

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In the past, this fan group garnered attention for their attempt to persuade Suga to leave BTS by sending a truck and wreaths with messages. They provided proof of their dedication to the group through albums, concert banners, and other related items. However, their actions have caused a considerable amount of controversy within the BTS fan community.

The identity breach is a matter of concern, as the sender of the truck may now face potential attacks or harassment from other BTS fans.

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