“You are who you are, open your heart and love” Li Yongzhi came to Taiwan to sing “Rose Boy”! Wangkouwan cooperates with Jolin Tsai

(Cover image source: Twitter@linzy1224 screenshot, YouTube@jolintsai screenshot)

South Korea’s popular rapper Lee Young-chi started singing in Taiwan on the 26th and 27th. He chose Jolin Tsai instead of Zhou Xingzhe or Wei Li’an, who are often challenged by other singers who come to Taiwan. The song also had social issues, “Rose Boy”, which moved many fans.


According to an interview with Taiwan’s “GQ”, Li Yongzhi received many recommended songs, but after carefully reading the translated lyrics of Jolin Tsai’s “Rose Boy”, he felt that the lyrics were quite meaningful. In the interview, he said, “Don’t worry about your sexual orientation. You are who you are, and every kind of love is the same.””There shouldn’t be any criticism when people love each other. When I was a child, I felt that whether it was love between the same sex or love with a large age gap, this “It’s all a matter of course”, “Just like the lyrics of “Rose Boy”, I hope everyone will not be afraid and open their hearts to love!”.

The theme of Jolin Tsai’s “Rose Boy”is “Love your body”and “respect the body’s intuitive reaction.”It is inspired by Taiwan’s famous “Ye Yong-yung incident”- a junior high school boy named Ye Yong-yung was excluded due to his gender temperament and died in school. The issues conveyed in “Rose Boy”were not only welcomed among LGBTQ (gay groups), but also had a huge response in the entire Chinese music scene. It also won the Song of the Year Award at the 30th Golden Melody Awards.


Li Yongzhi specially chose to sing “Rose Boy”. Both fans at the scene and netizens who saw the video afterwards praised Li Yongzhi’s sincere learning and thoughtfulness! Even better, she can collaborate with Jolin Tsai! Some people also suggested that “Yongzhi sings Yongrong”. The names of Ye Yongrong and Li Yongzhi are homophonic. Such an encounter is very beautiful.

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