Exclusive: Lenovo Gets on the Fashion Trend with Designer Tab Wear Collection


Collabs aren’t new in the tech space, with more and more smartphone and tablet manufacturers marketing their devices as accessories focused on productivity. It seems it is Lenovo’s turn, as the company is collaborating with three fashion designers to create a Lenovo Tab Wear Collection that might (more like “certainly”) surprise you.

Yes, you read that right: Lenovo is working on a fashion collection! And thanks to our reliable source, we’ve got some incredible images for you.

The purpose of the collection is not to be a fashion statement but more a blend of fashion and practicality. Together with RANRA, Kit Wan Studios, and MAIUM, Lenovo has created a set of avant-garde garments that are also useful and tech-focused. The whole concept is based on “me-time” , Lenovo’s take on personal time, and it highlights the idea that me-time can be mobile, portable, and personal.

That’s a bold promise, me-time on the go. But let’s see if Lenovo did enough to convince you.

Lenovo x RANRA

RANRA is a London and Reykjavík-based fashion label specialized in transitional outerwear. The company focuses on nature and the urban environment, working with sustainable materials and processes. In collaboration with Lenovo, they brought more of the same, creating an anorak that isn’t tech-focused but more tech-ready.

The anorak features a packable tablet harness that’s specifically designed to help you work on the go but also keep your devices safe. It’s light, windproof, and waterproof and includes an isolation hood that helps with noise canceling and immersion into me-time.

The isolation hood may be a little weird, especially on the train or bus, but if it offers some privacy and gets your focus going, then it’s a job well done. Plus, the noise canceling (ish) might be a great addition for people living in crowded cities.

Lenovo x Kit Wan Studios

Kit Wan Studios is a Hong Kong-based independent menswear designer inspired by manga, high-tech, sci-fi, and mechanical aesthetics. The piece created in collaboration with Lenovo is based on the same principles and includes a packable tablet harness.

Kit Wan’s fashion piece is modular and resembles an exoskeleton more than a clothing piece. The print is created in a 3D program, then rendered and printed on the materials. The carry-on bag includes metal pieces and sculptures while keeping your tablet and accessories safe inside.

Is it for everyone? Probably not. But for those who can appreciate a cutting-edge design that’s also a statement might be just the right thing.

Lenovo x MAIUM

MAIUM is an Amsterdam-based fashion brand that mixes techwear with fashion and innovative design. It focuses on sustainability and the outdoors, creating weather-ready clothes that are also functional. In collaboration with Lenovo, the brand created a jacket adapted for me-time.


它比 Kit Wan 的创作更加温和,具有日常氛围。可以这样想:您正在午休,走进最近的公园,安装吊床,然后放松。如果这不是让你理清思绪的好方法,那什么才是呢?

这三个品牌单品都宣示了时尚与科技可以相辅相成,同时仍然使用可持续材料并提供舒适感。 RANRA 的创作使用再生纺织品和饰边,Kit Wan 从小批量合作伙伴处采购材料,Maiun 则使用带有仿生饰面生态层的再生聚酯。

当然,可折叠的平板电脑背带和衣服上的小袋非常适合 Lenovo Tab P12 或 Lenovo Tab Extreme,但这并不是说您不能使用具有类似对角线的任何其他平板电脑。



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