Genshin Impact: Furina Trial Complete Solution

The Hydro Archon, Furina, will finally stand in front of all her people at the Opera House in Genshin Impact to face her own trial. Travelers and Paimon have been working hard along with other characters like Neuvillette and Navia to find the Prophecy Slates and expose the true identity of the Hydro Archon.

At the end of the Quest, both the Traveler and all of Fontaine will find out the real truth behind the Hydro Archon’s identity.

Furina Trial Complete Solution In Genshin Impact

Furina 试验原神冲击

Furina’s Trial can be split into three essential parts:

  • Proving Furina is not the Hydro Archon
  • The “real events” related to the prophecy on the Prophecy Slates in Genshin Impact
  • Just what is the true source of the catastrophe?

Proving Furina Is Not The Hydro Archon


At first, Furina defends herself by saying she lived more than 500 years, how can she be a normal human?

  • Question: Why Can Furina Live For So Long Despite Being She’s Human?
  • Answer: The meeting with the Knave.

Players theorize that Furina may have a curse, which is the reason why she suppressed a normal human’s lifespan.


Next, Travelers will try to prove that Furina is not the true master of the Oratrice.

  • Question: What Evidence Proves That Furina Is Not The Master Of The Oratrice?
  • Answer: Childe’s conviction.

Players remind Furina that she was surprised and didn’t understand the verdict when Oratrice declared Childe guilty in Genshin Impact.


After establishing that Furina may be human, it’s now time to prove it in Genshin Impact.

  • Question: What Evidence Can Prove That Furina Is A Human?
  • Answer: The truth behind the “serial disappearances of young women” case.

Navia and the Traveler present a sample of Primordial Sea water to test if Furina will dissolve in it, thus proving she’s a human.


Here’s how to connect the events from all four Prophecy Slates:

  • Prophecy Slate (I): It seems to show the former Hydro Archon using divine power to turn Oceanids into people.
  • The Evidence That Verifies Prophecy Slate (I) is: The truth behind the “serial disappearances of young women” case.
  • Prophecy Slate (II): It shows Celestia floating in the sky, and the Hydro Archon and her people worshiping it together… but the heavens still brought judgment down upon them
  • The Evidence That Verifies Prophecy Slate (II) is: The announcement of the Hydro Archon’s death sentence.
  • Prophecy Slate (III): It shows the Hydro Archon sinking into the sea, surrounded by many people.
  • 验证预言石板(III)的证据是:纳维亚落入海水中。
  • 预言石板(IV):它所展示的场景与整个方丹流传的预言中描述的场景基本相同。方丹尼安人最终会溶入大海,而水神执政官将独自坐在她的王座上哭泣。
  • 验证预言石板(IV)的证据是:原始海侵入梅洛皮德要塞。






  • 预言石板(IV):它所展示的场景与整个方丹流传的预言中描述的场景基本相同。方丹尼安人最终会溶入大海,而水神执政官将独自坐在她的王座上哭泣。
  • 灾难的真正根源是什么:梦中的鲸鱼。



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