Ghostrunner 2: All Artifacts & Where to Find Them

In the cyberpunk world of Ghostrunner 2, players are not only challenged by intense combat and parkour sequences but also have the opportunity to collect various items scattered throughout the game. Artifacts are one of the many collectibles that players can find in Ghostrunner 2.

Unfortunately, most artifacts are pretty easy to miss as they are usually located in hidden places. Read on to learn where to find all collectibles in Ghostrunner 2.

Where to Find All Collectibles in Ghostrunner 2

Ghostrunner 2 中的所有工件

Chapter 1

塔罗牌和能量饮料地点 Ghostrunner 2

In the first chapter of Ghostrunner 2, Uninvited Guests, players can find five artifacts. After players execute the ‘parry’ action for the first time, they can enter the ventilation shaft and follow the main route to get the first artifact, Recruitment Flier. The second artifact is the Energy Drink can be found in the container room where it is easily noticeable atop one of the containers. Players will find stacked containers in the same area. To the left of these containers, there is a crate with Alternate Currencies.

In the later stage of this chapter, players will come across a room with a vibrant sign above. Don’t enter this room- instead, players need to go right to the area where they can slide. After sliding, walk on the left wall to access the elevated platform and collect Tarot Cards in the ventilation shaft. The last artifact, Grilled Rat Meat, is near the Challenge Terminal next to the containers.

Chapter 4:

幽灵行者 微型地点 幽灵行者 2

In this chapter, gamers will find three artifacts. In the lobby area, players should look for a boost pad on their left. Get to the top of the building by activating this pad and run along the billboard. Next, players will have to navigate through a ventilation shaft to get the Video Tape.

Players will need to make their way to the second terminal in order to get their hands on the next artifact, i.e., Ghostrunner Miniature. This can be achieved by using the boost pad to reach the rooftop once more, but this time, go left to deactivate the laser barrier. Following this, proceed along the main path and bypass the locked door by using Shuriken. After eliminating enemies, proceed by dashing through lasers to acquire the Ghostrunner Miniature.


To obtain the DIY Toy, players will have to hack the second terminal and pop balloons using the Shuriken ability. After that, players will reach the third terminal where they will have to fight enemies and navigate between walls. It is at this point that players will spot the DIY Toy.

Chapter 5:





获得 Holotat 后,玩家需要转身,他们会发现一个盒子。用手里剑击中这个盒子并穿过门获取电磁脉冲手榴弹。











现在,玩家应该前往东塔,在那里他们会遇到一群敌人。处理完它们后,玩家可以使用手里剑来释放箱子。在这里,他们将看到一个弹跳垫,可以用来获取第 17 个神器,即 生存口粮。









最后一件神器可以在《幽灵行者 2》的最后一关中找到,人类的巨石。在获得抓钩后不久,玩家将进入另一个有粉丝的房间,在那里他们必须与一大群敌人作战。处理完它们后,玩家需要使用翼装,这将引导他们走向一条新的道路,在那里他们会找到药丸。药丸。

Ghostrunner2可在 PC、PS4、PS5 和 Xbox Series X/S 上畅玩


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