How to gain Influence to Claim and Settle new Regions in Manor Lords

To successfully Claim and Settle new Regions in Manor Lords, it is important for lords to gain Influence. Here are some of the most effective methods to do so.

In order to acquire new regions in Manor Lords, it is necessary to accumulate a sufficient amount of Influence, which has proven to be quite challenging. Once you have obtained enough Influence, you will be able to claim an unclaimed or already claimed region nearby by utilizing your accumulated Influence.

If you have successfully defended against rival lords during the process, you will be able to establish your settlement on the new land and begin constructing it.

Table of Contents:

Tips for Gaining Influence in Manor Lords

Manor Lords Church
Hooded Horse

Building and upgrading a Church in your Region will give you Influence in Manor Lords.

There are four methods through which you can acquire Influence in Manor Lords:

  • Build and upgrade a Church
  • Build and upgrade a Manor
  • Charge Tithe as part of your Manor tax
  • Eliminate nearby Bandit Camps

Kindly be advised that you are limited to constructing and improving one Church and Manor per Region in order to acquire Influence. Both of these structures are necessary to enable the collection of Tithe from your Tax menu in your Manor. This action deducts a percentage of your food supply in return for passive Influence.

Nevertheless, even with a significant increase in your Tithe charge percentage, you will only receive modest amounts of Influence, but it will greatly diminish your food supply.

To gain the most Influence, it is advisable to prioritize upgrading your Church and Manor. Additionally, eliminating Bandits from nearby camps shown on your map can also provide a significant boost, with each Bandit elimination resulting in a gain of 20 Influence. On average, this equates to 100 to 300 Influence per camp.

How to Claim Regions in Manor Lords

Claim a Region in Manor Lords.
Hooded Horse

You can Claim neighboring Regions to your settlement to conquer more lands in Manor Lords.

To acquire ownership of regions in Manor Lords, you must first choose a region on your Diplomacy map and then select the option “Claim with Influence.”This will allow you to use your Influence to gain control of the selected region.

There are two distinct types of Regions that can be claimed in Manor Lords:

Region type Ownership Influence required
Unclaimed Region Rival lords have not Claimed this Region but may contest 1000
Claimed Region A Rival lord has already Claimed this Region and is likely to contest 2000

After initiating the process of Claiming for an Unclaimed or Claimed Region, you will need to wait for the designated time period to determine if another lord wishes to challenge your Claim. Similarly, if you observe a neighboring lord attempting to expand their territory into a different Region, you have the option to challenge their Claim.

If either you or they dispute the claim, you will have to engage in battle with their army in order to secure the Region or prevent the rival lord from seizing another. Nevertheless, if there is no contention, the Region will be awarded to either you or the opposing lord once the designated time has elapsed.

Although the option to Claim a Region with the King’s Favor has been displayed by the developers, this feature is currently unavailable in Manor Lords as the game is still in its Early Access phase.

Settling Regions in Manor Lords

Settlers Camp in Manor Lords.
Hooded Horse

A Settlers Camp building in Manor Lords that will need to be built to Settle on a Claimed Region

In order to establish a presence in a region in Manor Lords, it is necessary to construct a Settlers Camp within the claimed area, requiring 250 Regional Wealth.

Similarly to when you began your game in your initial Region, you have the ability to establish a completely new settlement and fill it with laborers. You can also utilize the four aforementioned steps to acquire additional Influence, which involves constructing and enhancing another Church and Manor.


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