Sky Q Box 遇到紅燈:如何修復

fix red light on Sky Q box

Sky Q 盒子上的紅燈不一定意味著有麻煩,但它應該意味著什麼。資訊的缺乏才是用戶的煩惱!


Sky Q盒子上的紅燈是什麼意思?

您在 Sky Q 盒子上看到紅燈常亮或閃爍的原因有很多。這可能是正在進行的錄音、現有的錄音檔案、連線問題、遙控器問題,甚至是硬體故障。

如果我的 Sky Q 盒子卡在紅燈上,我該如何修復?


  • 按住綠燈按鈕 30 秒以執行完全重新啟動。並確保在此期間斷開Sky Q盒子的電源。
  • 檢查是否有任何未決的免責聲明並清除它們。
  • 如果出現任何下載卡住的情況,請恢復下載,然後取消該程序。另外,在執行此操作時,請清除下載佇列。
  • 重新啟動路由器。當Sky Go 無法載入設定時,這也會有所幫助。



  1. 按遙控器上的 Sky 按鈕並前往錄音
  2. 現在,找到此處列出的所有節目錄音,移至全部刪除,然後選擇該選項。delete all
  3. 同樣,清除所有其他錄音。


2. 重置設定

  1. 按遙控器上的Home 按鈕,然後從左側窗格向下捲動至設定 。< /span>settings
  2. 001 鍵,然後按 Select 在您的遙控器上。
  3. 在出現的選單中,從導覽窗格轉到重設,然後在右側選擇。恢復出廠設定factory reset to fix red light sky q box
  4. 按照螢幕上的指示完成該過程並等待重置完成。

完全恢復出廠設定有助於消除網路問題,並且在 Sky 阻止 IPTV 時也很有用。


當其他方法都不起作用時,Sky Q 盒子上仍亮起紅燈且無法打開,您必須聯絡 Sky 支援人員.



Sky Q 電視盒燈說明

  • 不亮:設備未開機。
  • Green light: It indicates that the device is currently powered on and everything is running fine.
  • Orange light: When it’s blinking, the box is trying to connect to the Internet. Besides, it indicates that a software update is available, which, in most cases, will be downloaded automatically.
  • Blue light: It’s not a good sign and often indicates a problem with the hardware. When you see a blinking or solid blue light, contact the support team. However, a blue light at night, when the device is powered on, could be a sign that it has entered Economy Mode to save power.
  • Red light: A red flashing light on the Sky Q box indicates hardware or software failures. Though a continuously illuminated red light is also referred to as the record light to highlight that a recording is in progress.

You now understand why there’s a red light, either blinking or continuously illuminated, on the Sky Q box and how to get rid of it.

Remember, in most cases that we came across, it was a problem at the user’s end. Only rarely would you have to ask for a replacement when the Sky Q mini box is not working with a red light

In case you also use the app to stream content, find out how to fix the common Sky Go Error Code 4253024421 & 1415 in no time!

For any queries or to share more solutions with us, drop a comment below.


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