Microsoft Store 應用程式與桌面應用程式:使用哪一個?

Microsoft Store Apps vs Desktop Apps Which Ones to Use

早在Windows 8誕生之前,傳統的應用程式下載方式是其官方網站或第三方網站,稱為桌面應用程序,但隨著Microsoft Store的發布,一切都發生了變化。

如果您仍然對應該使用哪一個感到困惑,這份 Microsoft Store 應用程式與桌面應用程式比較指南可以提供協助!

Microsoft Store 上的所有應用程式都安全嗎?

是的,因為 Microsoft Store 上的所有應用程式都經過多項測試,其中應用程式在可供用戶下載之前會檢查是否有病毒、可疑檔案和惡意軟體。

Microsoft Store 應用程式與桌面應用程式:比較


Microsoft Store 應用程式可以從 Microsoft Store 應用程式安裝,適用於所有 Windows 8、10 和 11 電腦。您可以透過電腦的桌面應用程式或網頁瀏覽器快速檢查列出的應用程式。

另一方面,桌面應用程式可以在其開發人員的官方網站、受信任的儲存庫、第三方下載網站、CD 或 DVD 上取得。

安裝 Microsoft Store 應用程式非常簡單;您所需要做的就是在商店中找到該應用程式並點擊“獲取”;其餘的由平台負責。

其中對於桌面應用程序,您需要下載一個。 exe或. msi 文件,運行安裝文件,然後按照安裝精靈的螢幕說明進行安裝。

您可以使用控制面板卸載所有桌面應用程式。但是,某些 Microsoft Store 應用程式只能透過「設定」應用程式卸載。

如果您對選擇哪個內建應用程式從 Windows 電腦上卸載應用程式感到困惑,請閱讀我們的詳細內容控制面板與控制面板。設定引導得出結論。


Microsoft Store 應用程式使用現代 UI 設計語言,提供乾淨且視覺上吸引人的佈局。它們設計為在快照視圖或全螢幕模式下工作,促進 Windows 上的多工作業。

桌面應用程式有不同的設計、風格和佈局,從傳統的 UI 到現代的 UI,具體取決於開發人員的方法。由於能夠最大化、最小化、調整應用程式視窗大小和位置,這些應用程式提供了更大的靈活性。


Microsoft Store 上的應用程式要經過嚴格的審核流程,以檢查它們是否符合平台的效能和安全標準。

這些應用程式在受控環境中運行,並且對系統資源和應用程式的存取受到限制。敏感數據,從而減少惡意應用程式對您的 PC 可能造成的影響。




Apps on the Microsoft Store are updated automatically in the background, ensuring the latest security patches and features are always available, which is a streamlined approach.

Updates for desktop apps depend upon the developer’s preferences, as some have inbuilt features to update, while others need to be manually updated. Also, the updates are not regular and are often delayed due to the developer’s release schedule or the user’s awareness.

Integration and Uniformity

Store apps are closely integrated into the Windows ecosystem and are developed to provide an intuitive and consistent experience across PCs, smartphones, and tablets.

On the other hand, desktop apps are not as tightly integrated as Microsoft Store apps, as the level of integration depends on the developer’s choice and the app’s purpose.

Store apps are uniform in design, user interface, and experience as they follow Microsoft’s guidelines, ensuring a consistent look and feel.

Whereas desktop apps don’t have uniformity in design and user interface, developers are free to create unique designs, resulting in different styles and layouts, but lack a consistent look.

Resource optimization

Microsoft Store apps are developed to use fewer resources as they follow Microsoft guidelines and restrictions, thereby not hampering system performance and battery life.

Desktop app’s resource usage depends on the developer’s approach; some apps are optimized, but others hog resources.

Regarding memory and CPU usage, Microsoft Store apps are more efficient and use only the memory needed for operations, ensuring a smoother computing experience.

However, memory and CPU usage for desktop apps depends on the applications, as not all are optimized for performance.

To conclude, the choice between Microsoft Store apps vs desktop apps boils down to the intended purpose, user’s knowledge, and device capabilities.

Microsoft Store apps have modern UI, are optimized for touchscreens, appear on live tiles, and can beautifully integrate with Windows system features, providing a seamless user experience.

However, desktop apps offer a wide range of features, highly customizable interfaces, powerful capabilities, a conventional user experience due to an unrestricted development environment, and are suitable for complex tasks.

If you are a developer & want to make Windows Store apps, looking for a way to start, read this detailed guide to learn the process.

Now that you know about both popular app installation methods, we would love to hear your perspective! Tell us which platform you prefer and why in the comments section below!


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