Alan Wake 2: Return 6 – Scratch Walkthrough

Both Alan and Saga have their own set of chapters that make up the majority of the run time of Alan Wake 2. Players have the option to switch between the two characters as they progress, but eventually there comes a point where they automatically switch once enough progress in the story has been made. Return 6: Scratch is a fairly short mission, but it helps set up for the finale of the game. There is lots to find in this chapter, including a powerful new weapon.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Go to the Sheriff’s Station

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Go through the forest and out of the Elderwood Palace Lodge to get back into Bright Falls. Oddly, the lodge looks as if the attack by the cult had never happened. The entrance to the Sheriff’s Station is on Main Street. It isn’t long before players can tell that something has gone horribly wrong. The power is out, and the station seems mostly abandoned. The agent from the FBC is wounded and is hiding in a closet.

Search the area and kill the Taken lurking in one of the nearby rooms. Once it dies, Saga will call out that it is all clear. Return to the FBC agent, but make sure to pick up the map for the Sheriff’s Station that is on the wall behind the front desk. Talk to Estevez to learn more about the situation and find out where Alan is. He is in a holding cell, but unfortunately he cannot be accessed while the power is out.

Get the Power Back On

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Use the key to open the Sheriff’s Office. Inside a locked glass case is the Pump Action Shotgun which can be obtained by entering the code 723. Head to the side of the station where the Conference Room is and go down the stairs to reach the basement. While searching the basement, go north to find a gate that can be opened with the Boltcutters. There is a cult stash in here that can be opened by entering 146 into the lock on the box.

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To advance the story, keep going south. Speak with Casey to learn more about the situation. He gives players a fuse for the fusebox. The fusebox is also in the same room. Be ready for a fight though, as several Taken come running down into the basement.

How to Beat Scratch

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Return to the first floor and check in with Estevez. After that, head toward the holding cells. Alan is in the back cell on the right. Talk to him to trigger a cutscene. Soon after, players find themselves face to face with Scratch. His dark shield cannot be burned away from his body, but he can be damaged. Around the arena, there are several glowing boxes.

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射擊 Scratch 直到他停止移動,然後跑向其中一個盒子。按住按鈕將其激活,然後再次射擊 Scratch 以擊暈他。重複此操作,直到所有框都被激活,然後將觸發過場動畫,結束當前章節。

心靈殺手 2 現已在 PC、PS5 和 Xbox Series X/S 上發售。


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