Does HBO Max Notify You When Someone Logs In?

如何造訪 HBO Max 登入通知

Many readers have asked us if HBO Max notifies you when someone logs in, and the answer is Yes. HBO Max sends email notifications when someone is trying or has logged in, especially from a new device. You will also get details about the IP address, device/browser used, and location.

Can you see who’s logged into your HBO account? Yes, you can. To see who is logged into your HBO account, access that account and go to Managed Devices. You will see a list of devices that use that account. Read below for detailed instructions.

Is HBO Max sending notifications when logging in on a new device?

As highlighted above, HBO Max will send you notifications and e-mails with unauthorized login attempts from new devices, along with special offers, product updates, the latest shows, or new movies. However, if a device or browser has been authorized or recognized, you won’t get any login notifications from them.

1. How do I check who is logged into my HBO Max account?

1.1 On a browser (PC)

  1. Go to the HBO Max website and log into your account, then select the profile you want to inspect.
  2. Click your profile icon, and go to Manage Devices.
  3. On the left, you will see exactly what devices are using the HBO Max account and when did they used it.
  4. If you don’t recognize any of the current devices in the list, you can hit the X button to get rid of them. There is also the option to sign all devices out but that means you will need to follow the procedure to sign in from those devices again if you need them to be active.

1.2 On a mobile device

  1. Run the HBO Max app on your device and log into your account if needed.
  2. Select the profile and tap on the profile image from the top-right.
  3. Then go to Settings and select Manage Devices.
  4. Again, you will have the same options as in the browser to sign out and remove certain devices from the list.

HBO Max allows only 3 simultaneous streams so if more devices are trying to use the streaming services, you will get left out on yours. This solution will allow you to remove one or more devices or sign them off so you can enjoy the content on the current devices.

If HDR is not working on HBO Max, the highlighted guide will help you fix the problem.

2. How do I get HBO Max account notifications?

2.1 On a browser (PC)

  1. Access your account on the HBO Max website and click on your profile picture from the top-right corner.
  2. Now, go to your profile, select Settings, then go to Notifications and turn them on.
  3. This will allow HBO Max to send notifications to the email address of your account.

2.2 On a mobile device

  1. Open the HBO Max app, tap your profile, and then select Settings.
  2. 現在,請前往通知,並將「來自HBO Max 和附屬機構的電子郵件」選項切換為「開啟」。< /span>

3. 如何自訂 HBO Max 帳號通知?

  1. 在您的行動裝置上開啟 HBO Max 應用程式。
  2. 前往您的個人資料並訪問“設定”。
  3. 從那裡訪問通知選單並關閉 HBO Max 新聞通訊。

是的,我們知道,透過開啟應用程式通知,您還將獲得有關節目、節目等的資訊。但是,為了限制通知的內容,您可以在不需要時關閉 HBO Max Newsletter 功能。但是,您只能在行動裝置上執行此操作,而不能在兒童設定檔上執行此操作。



最重要的是,我們鼓勵您保持 HBO Max 通知開啟,因為在保證帳戶安全方面您將獲得一些明顯的好處:

  • 透過即時警報提高安全性
  • 更輕鬆即時監控活動
  • 對可疑活動的反應速度更快

我可以採取什麼措施來保證我的 HBO Max 帳戶安全?

  • 選擇一個強密碼並定期更新。為您的 HBO Max 帳戶選擇多重身份驗證對於確保其安全是一個巨大的優勢。
  • 不要打開看起來可疑、假裝來自 HBO Max 的電子郵件。有些網路釣魚網站看起來與您所知道的網站幾乎相同,但在那裡輸入您的憑證會將它們直接發送給攻擊者。
  • 檢查設備清單。我們向您展示如何檢查哪些裝置正在使用您的帳戶。如果感覺有些可疑,請立即停用它們。

總結一下我們的指南,如果有來自新的或無法識別的設備的新登錄,HBO Max 會向您發送通知和電子郵件,但前提是您打開了通知。我們已經提供了有關如果您發現任何可疑活動該怎麼辦以及如何保護您的帳戶的信息,我們希望您現在是安全的。



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